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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Beauty for ashes♡

Beauty for ashes♡
So, I woke up in my own bed this morning after 7 weeks of sleeping in unfamiliar places with people I hardly know. Now I can say that I have 35 new homes built in my heart. On Thursday night we were commisioned, and man, what a long journey to FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!    Talking about homes.  Time to be honest about the one I'm living in. The one you can't see with your eyes.  The one you feel with your heart.     For quite a long time, I was disobedient and didn't want to leave behind the familiar, to experience...
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Learning how to be a sheep

Learning how to be a sheep

The speaker crackled as the pilot announced our descent. Nervously, I grabbed Kasia’s hand as we descended into my homeland… South Africa, hello old friend. I was ready to go home, ready to see my family and friends, ready for the next step God prepared for me. I just wasn’t ready to say goodbye to my team…my family.

We had spent ten months in each other’s company. For the last eight months, I had watched these people grow and mature as the Gardener Himself pruned and fertilized them. They watched me cry, laughed with me, supported me, prayed for me and loved me. They were my family for eight months… and now I had to say goodbye? God, am I ready to be on my own again after being part of a team for so long?

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The Superhero Comparison

The Superhero Comparison
This whole Global Challenge has been tough. I've really been struggling to fit into my team and to find my purpose. I spoke to my leader and she said a few things that was needed, but I want to tell you about two things. Fitst she said that you're value is not in your purpose, it is in who you are. Second thing is that we are not human doings, we are human beings. I am not going to elaborate on that, but think about it. Anyway, continuing. It went really bad with my emotional and spiritual state. I started...
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Empty handed

Good day dearests Since infancy i've been fascinated by rings! You know you only remember certain childhood memories? Well one i distinctly remember is my using my positive carving tools (manipulating) with a friend of my gran's. I remember thinking if i make a massive deal about how much I love her rings, she'll think " the hell with my own grand daughter. This one appreciates it more." So if that doesn't say enough about my 'mild' obsession with rings then just know it is bad Subconsciously I still do it. My friends will tell you! I always fit their...
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God's way is above ours !

Hello everyone ! This couple of weeks, I could experiment deeply what was the meaning of the verse 8 from the chapter 55 in the book of Isaiah: "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. Everything started at the border of Suriname. Pastor Deo brought us al the way from Timehri to the Surinamese border with a Bus. So we all went out of the bus and had to hurry to embark in the ferry. We went for the check of our passport, everything was fine for everyone EXCEPT for me...
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Probably the most spoken phrase of all time, every time we fail or see something is too difficult for us, or even if it requires too much time or sacrifice. This is probably one of the most difficult habits to break in life. Why? Probably because it roots to self. The one thing that keeps us away from most of things, self like most of us know only consists of 3 things; “me, myself and I”. Oh sorry, that’s all the same thing, just goes to show how bad self is, self-centred and selfish. But how do the words “I...
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1006 Hits

The good Shepard

Five days, five countries… We travelled from Guatemala to Costa Rica, passing through El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua. God really surprised me and it was such a joy to truly trust God and go wherever He had prepared for us. I had found myself laughing at the situations and places we were in because I really experienced the promises of God so practically. In Psalms 91 God says ‘If you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent for He will command...
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When Step Up becomes more than a dance movie

When Step Up becomes more than a dance movie
I remember the hopeful goodbye we said to our team leader as we left Malaysia, on our way to a 6 week Australian visit. He had been denied his Australian visa, and therefore he could not enter with us. Global was sending a "temporary" leader to help us start our work on the sheep farms, however after his visit, we were sure that our leader would rejoin the group and lead us further, as planned. However, as with most things, God's plan was not our plans. Louw never received his visa, and before I knew it, Reinhardt's time with us...
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Middle East baby!

Middle East baby!
The Middle East was awesome with love giving strangers that felt like my long lost family. I love the Middle East with the hart of our God. There has been weird laughing and awesome times Austin and I love cookies and wheels (Cookie name),but the best is waking up at 04:00 am with Mosque's screaming Allahu Akbar. It started to sound more like music the second night.
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