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Holy Ground

Holy Ground
"What we do, does not define who we are. What defines us is how well we rise after falling." It has been a while since I've seen words come to life in such an inspiring way. Rwanda is a beautiful chapter in this journey. So beautiful that there aren't any words to truly express how much influence it has had in my own thoughts and especially my relationship with our beautiful Saviour. I look forward to more chapters with you in it. You have taught me so much. Not only about your people but also about myself. I loved spending...
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Sow a Shoe

Sow a Shoe
In the beginning of the year I had a stirring in my heart to wash the feet of the orphans in Uganda and give them new shoes... This is not just a physical need of the orphans being met, but also a prophetic act to release something new in the spirit to them. Washing the feet is washing away all the hurt, trauma and pollution that the kingdom of darkness had put on them. Then, the clothing them with new shoes, is clothing them with Holy Spirit in their spiritual authority of belonging to Father God's family and the inheritance...
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Dear Ethiopia...

Dear Ethiopia...
When I first laid my eyes on you and the rolling hills you sat upon. I thought what amazing luck I have that God had created such beautiful things and gave me the eyes to see them.    I am forever changed by your existence. You are a place filled with so many stories and I feel so privileged to share some of these stories with you. I can't think of anything that excites a greater sense of childlike wonder than to be in a country where you are ignorant of almost everything. Suddenly you are five years old again....
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Guard your heart

Guard your heart
  Why do we make life so complicated? Why do we so easily make mountains out of mere ant hills? It is not supposed to be this difficult and I dare say it is rather tiring to worry about everything all the time.    My stay in Egypt these past two weeks has been a time of growth and transformation. Firstly I would like to mention that all the pictures I have seen, all the history that I have read and heard throughout my years of study about this wonderful place, I could have never imagined it to be so...
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Learning to be humble

Arriving at our frist country with such a low expectations thinking that we will probably be camping ouside the church due to lack of rooms but was so surprised to us sleeping in warm beds (no one expected that) but the beds were not the only things that was warm,but the hospitality of loving people that live here was over all the best experience of all.Welcoming us with open arms showering us with love and blessings.Making each of us feel so important to them,appreciating everything BIG and small thing we do and blessing us with so much FOOD. this community blessed us...
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Probably the most spoken phrase of all time, every time we fail or see something is too difficult for us, or even if it requires too much time or sacrifice. This is probably one of the most difficult habits to break in life. Why? Probably because it roots to self. The one thing that keeps us away from most of things, self like most of us know only consists of 3 things; “me, myself and I”. Oh sorry, that’s all the same thing, just goes to show how bad self is, self-centred and selfish. But how do the words “I...
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Where do I begin..

Well where do I begin... The past few weeks have been crazy fun, hard, good days and bad days... The first week we got the connect with everyone...2nd week going on a "camping trip" that ended up to be 5 days in the bush with only the clothes on our backs and playing games to win some food...3rd week we are joining the school camp and having some fun with the kids from there we are building the road for the GLA School..week 4 and we are leaving for the Transkei to serve the people and give LOVE to the...
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