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No Other Road Than His

I love heart's desire is to know Him and to be found in Him!
I love life, I love people, I love different cultures...and I love travelling;
why on earth would I not want to do the Global Challenge?

Thailand in 10 pictures!

Thailand in 10 pictures!
                                           Philippians 3:8-11 8  Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in Him , not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith; 10 that I may...
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Flaming Indian Arrows

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Northbound's Indian Thank You!

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REAL LIVING HOPE – 100% Indian!

REAL LIVING HOPE – 100% Indian!
India definitely has the ability to grow on you...figuratively, and thinking about it probably literally as well – but then I will advise you to consult your doctor as soon as possible.    I.N.D.I.A ...a land overflowing with street vendors and the famous, but very unpopular squeaky horn. The streets are full of random street cows, the smell of masala, buzzing crowds, thousands of stray dogs, crazy trains, Hindu gods, snake charmers, sari wearing ladies and strings of orange flowers  - all wrapped up in a culture so thick you can taste it. During my previous visit to India I...
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Megaphone of FREEDOM!

Megaphone of FREEDOM!
INDONESIA – a beautiful island country, that is caught up in the suffocating grips of Islam...with countless mosque megaphones proclaiming death and lies over her cities every day. Darkness is a constant companion for those living under this false religion, being imprisoned by the traditions of men...even if they do not admit it. There is a tent of darkness that lies over this nation - keeping them in bondage...BUT – the LIGHT has come! His name is JESUS CHRIST ! He proclaims FREEDOM to the CAPTIVES and RELEASES those who sit in DARKNESS !! So, in June I chose to...
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The Power of the Seed

Thinking of my time in the Philippines I am reminded of Isaiah 55! I was sitting on Olango island, under a palm tree...praying about the Philippines and her people. My Bible calls the chapter “An Invitation to Abundant Life”. It was a word in season – not just for me as the sower of the seed...but also for a people that desperately needs the LORD.
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Be like a tree...

Be like a tree...
  “ I wanne be like a tree...planted by the water...trusting in the Father to help me grow                                                          the deeper my roots go...the better my fruit show...the Living Waters for all to see” This is a simple children’s song that I heard long ago, but when I actually thought about it - it turned out to be very profound words. It is also what God has put on my heart for my...
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Just LOVE over them.

Just LOVE over them.
  I have been challenged to get involved in the Syrian Refugee Crisis. I have the opportunity to go on house visits to some Syrian families living in Al-Mafraq, Jordan.    I greet the woman & children, take my shoes off and sit down on the floor. They serve me and my friends tea, although they have very little - most having fled out of Syria with only the clothes on their back. We give them a box of food - some essentials.   I hear their stories. I say I am sorry about what happened. I look at the...
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