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Northbound India 2014

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Northbound's Indian Thank You!

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India is hectic.   For the first week, we were in Delhi, doing some serious bible studying.  Then we took a train to a big orphanage. Our goal there was to repaint the inside of the boys hostel and to provide a new set of undies for each child, along with chilling with the kids, and hosting an evening program every night. Except for one thing..we didn’t have any money to do this         So we scraped,  sanded and painted in faith, trusting that our Father is The Provider.  And after only 5 days of fund raising...
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Sho sho... India.

Our arrival into India was ubrupt and crazy, chaos was an understatement. Animals, tuk-tuks, trucks, cars and crowds scattered everywhere. New Delhi is a bee hive of hasslers, vehicles and markets - all trying to promote the best price. Just as ubrupt was the 'Dehli belly' many of the guys suffered from during this time. We arrived in New Delhi on a Monday, from Bangkok, after a lay over in Sri Lanka. As expectations go, Slumdog Millionaire was on my mind, there is a reality of slums yes but there is such a diversity in India itself. Every state has...
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