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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Will You build me a new house?

Will You build me a new house?
"We must be known for hope for the day we live in, as the purposes of God are always great. He will do everything needed, according to His promises for His victorious bride." - Bill Johnson   If God doesn’t build the house, the builders only build shacks.  If God doesn’t guard the city, the night watchman might as well nap.  It’s useless to rise early and go to bed late,  and work your worried fingers to the bone.  Don’t you know He enjoys giving rest to those He loves? (Psalm 127:1-2 MSG)   It takes wisdom to build a house,...
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Thank you! India Building Project 2014

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The angel sat on the Rock.

The angel sat on the Rock.
Wonderful Counsellor A small town in the valley – Chinese & Tibetan people, snow, mountains, sky-scrapers, a river, eagles, soup, noodles, looking for butter for hours, making pannekoek, fellowship, being teachable, growing, understanding and receiving. “What can I do for You? What can I bring to You? What kind of song would You like me to sing? ‘cause I’ll dance a dance for You Pour out my love to You, What can I do for You beautiful King? I hear You say… “You don’t have to do a thing Just simply be with me and let those things go ‘cause...
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Colourful is a 4 letter word.

Colourful is a 4 letter word.
"All of us have the devine spark within us and we so desperately need the breath of God to bring us to life and light. Jesus wants to set the church on fire so the world can warm themselves around us and find light and safety. We are here on earth to be a home and a refuge for the lost and broken. But first we must learn the art of togetherness and celebration. To welcome people into the party of true freedom of finding Jesus we must first be students of that very way of life. We need to...
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We are going to China?!

We are going to China?!
China We assume that everything in China is more or less what we imagine it to be, but I guarantee that China is different from the way most people are picturing it. The moment when I think of China I start to think of all the negative things the world has spoken over this incredibly big nation. When you hear China and 1.2 billion people in one sentence, I immediately put on my straight face in disbelief. Our team had the privilege to spend 2 weeks together in Xiahe. We had to take 2 connecting flights of 2 hours each,...
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Nepal Fever

Nepal Fever
At first glance you won't think that Kathmandu has so much locked up in itself. It's a poor city with many rich people.   Our time in Nepal was spectacular!   Oh, turquoise team! During training we could see that Jesus placed us all in this particular mini team for a reason.    We just had to wait and see when and why..   Let me introduce you to the turquoise team, just in case you need to hear from us again :)   Drumroll... Madelein, Chanelle, Annique, Anseri, Quinton and Coetzee.    When I started off thinking about writing...
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Majestic China

Majestic China
Northbound 2014 spent some time in Xiahe, China. We had an amazing time discovering the small town - Beautiful Tibetan people, snow and massive mountains. Jesus on display! 
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