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21/04/2014 The country where your heart gets torn in two, and your soul cries out “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?".(Matthew 27:46) This Hindu-colony with its pack of gods, “Father, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing.”(Luke 23:34) Where colonialism's deep, raw, wounds are still festering and the demonic-gods are indulging them in the hopelessness of this colony's ants. This is indeed an exotic colony, with exotic beings. If I think back to the three weeks I spent in India, I think of a tremendous number of mosquitos, the zooming of lots and lots flies around rotten food,...
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Thank you! India Building Project 2014

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Mark.set.action! Japati?!;P

  So in this: my second India blog, I'll be chatting to you all about japati:) Did you expect that? I think not!! ;D So the first phase of making japati is getting all the ingredients; this metophorises ( is this a real word? Yes I create it;) ) God preparing and equipping me for my journey... He took me deeper into inner healing which refreshed my soul. Turning my face from pain Into joy psalm 40:1-3. I also lead my first session with the children sharing about being salt! Cool as salt is also an ingredient for japati along...
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Mark.set.action! Japati?!;P

So in this: my second ind, I'll be chatting to you all about japati:) Did you expect that? I think not!! ;D So the first phase of making japati is getting all the ingredients; this metophorises ( is this a real word? Yes I create it;) ) God preparing and equipping me for my journey... He took me deeper into inner healing which refreshed my soul. Turning my face from pain Into joy psalm 40:1-3. I also lead my first session with the children sharing about being salt! Cool as salt is also an ingredient for japati along with atta...
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Touched by God's love for us and our need for Him

I saw a young child of arround 6 years in the isle of a busy street in Agra, India she wore a white dress but the dress was soo dirty at places that it looked black, totally contaminated with dirt. There was no one close to her, to protect her from: cutting remarks, glares and advances.She was so exposed to the world and the evil people in it. Nothing seperating her from this... There is an ever present evil as the streets in India really aren't safe!It struck me so much as every child needs and deserves love as well...
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Sho sho... India.

Our arrival into India was ubrupt and crazy, chaos was an understatement. Animals, tuk-tuks, trucks, cars and crowds scattered everywhere. New Delhi is a bee hive of hasslers, vehicles and markets - all trying to promote the best price. Just as ubrupt was the 'Dehli belly' many of the guys suffered from during this time. We arrived in New Delhi on a Monday, from Bangkok, after a lay over in Sri Lanka. As expectations go, Slumdog Millionaire was on my mind, there is a reality of slums yes but there is such a diversity in India itself. Every state has...
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