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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Hadhih Hadia - "This is a gift"

Hadhih Hadia - "This is a gift"
  If I were to ask you to think of the most favorite gift you have ever received, what would your answer be? I am sure you have quite a few just like me but if I were to name but one it would be my time in Spain. I was given the immense privilege to not only give a gift but to receive one much greater than I myself could have hoped for.    Our adventure started in Tarifa. A quaint little seaside town overlooking the glorious mountains of Morocco. Coming from a country where Christianity and Bibles are...
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Colourful is a 4 letter word.

Colourful is a 4 letter word.
"All of us have the devine spark within us and we so desperately need the breath of God to bring us to life and light. Jesus wants to set the church on fire so the world can warm themselves around us and find light and safety. We are here on earth to be a home and a refuge for the lost and broken. But first we must learn the art of togetherness and celebration. To welcome people into the party of true freedom of finding Jesus we must first be students of that very way of life. We need to...
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The Superhero Comparison

The Superhero Comparison
This whole Global Challenge has been tough. I've really been struggling to fit into my team and to find my purpose. I spoke to my leader and she said a few things that was needed, but I want to tell you about two things. Fitst she said that you're value is not in your purpose, it is in who you are. Second thing is that we are not human doings, we are human beings. I am not going to elaborate on that, but think about it. Anyway, continuing. It went really bad with my emotional and spiritual state. I started...
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A tribute to our Refugee friends.

  It rained today, the type of weather that screams 'stay in bed'. I didn't feel like going to the camp but I promised you I would, so I went.  I had lots of plans for new games we could play and I also promised to still braid your hair.  But you weren't there... I walked through the camp, expecting you to come running, screaming my name as you always did, but you didn't. There were no running footsteps, no waving hair and bright smile. No one eagerly grabbing my hand and saying 'come, come' to play a new game....
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I'm still trying to figure out who this God of mine really is. Last night I found myself scolding God as if He were a little child. I felt like He wanted me to come on this journey. Knowing I don't have the funds. I felt like He must have known what He was doing but now it feels like He just doesn't care. After I spoke my mind for a good 30 min He simply asked me if I was done. A moment after someone walked in. Gave me all the answers I just asked God and walked out....
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Journey to the end of the earth

Journey to the end of the earth   "You will be spiritually awakened, Work Your Way, the time has come."   This was a prophesy given to Work Your Way in Sydney, we didn't expect accurate it would be! How God works His way in the most unexpected times, how it unfolds as He has predestined by working in hearts of those who love him.    The First ten days in Fiji was spent in a rural community called Labasa at a YWAM base surrounded by rustling sugarcane plantations, scattered palm trees that eventually had to be climbed and uncharted...
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