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There and Back Again...

“It’s a dangerous business going out of your door. You step into the Road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to.”

“May All Who Come Behind Us Find Us Faithfull.”

There are not many grand moments in life, even though this moment, this year was one of the grandest, I know that after this year we will hardly live life in those grand moments. We will live in the utterly mundane. This used to scare me but then I looked closer to these mundane spaces that we exist in.: the bathrooms, the bedrooms, living rooms and the hallways of life. This is where the character of our lives is set. This is where we will live a life of faith. And that my friends makes me even more excited, because...
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His love has won me forever

His love has won me forever
  I do not think there are many words to express the beauty and magnificence of Morocco, nor can it be fully explained to someone who has not seen or experienced it for themselves. I do however believe words have a lot of power when it is used in the right way. Words can change even the smallest perspective and I believe we are the ones who can say them. I will attempt to give you but a glimpse of what I experienced here, not only of God's love for us but His adoration for the people who have not...
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I know who holds tomorrow...

New beginnings   Second last week of training and with it one week left I can honestly say that I am not ready yet. Rewind on all the weeks of training and learn everything again. That said I don't think I will ever be ready for a privilege like this. Going out into the nations and speaking His love over them...I'm wonderstruck.  These past weeks I have learned to know and feel God in the stillness but also in the storm. I have learned that He calls me beautiful (Song of Solomon 2:10) and that He loves me with...
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I'll be riding shotgun

  “Abba, I belong to you!” Five words that will be etched into my life forever. Words that have been spoken by many, but truly felt by little. These last few months have been a rollercoaster. So many unexpected turns, so many ups and downs, so much turbulence but so much freedom.  I was thinking about all the people that came before me. All the people that had to make a conscience decision to follow Jesus blindly into what He was doing for them. I recall the story of Cain and Abel. Abel brought a better sacrifice to God by...
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Lights will guide you home...

Lights will guide you home...
  "Lights will guide you home and ignite your bones."    Words that kept playing over and over again in my mind as the lights of all the cities of Africa came alive to guide us to a place that feels like home. I finally understand why they say "Your home is where your heart is."    Israel...A place where Jesus' presence screams : 'HERE I AM , COME FIND ME!" And boy did I find Him. Oh Israel, how I've longed to walk the streets of your ancient cities and gaze upon their splendor and beauty. How glorious the...
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"What's Next?"

"What's Next?"
The past month I have been asked the same question over and over again: " What's happening next? " I would shrug my shoulders and say: " I don’t know yet, I’ll probably know when the “next” comes . ”  Well the “next” came. God said “Go!” And so I’ll go. But in the midst of this I pondered on what it means to go. Does it truly always mean a state of moving or going somewhere or does it have some hidden meaning we’re not seeing. The dictionary defines it this way: ‘ Go is to move from one place...
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