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The beauty of mystery

Africa! What a beautiful place Rwanda and Uganda was🇷🇼🇺🇬 I was mesmerized by the kind hearts of these people. We thought that we were going to serve and love. Instead we have been served and loved so much more. And what makes this even more special is that these people really don't have much. But what they do have they give away or served us with that.   Holding an african child on my lap, waving at schoolkids screaming Muzungo, hugging baby goats and just loving the friendly hearts welcoming you around every corner! I was thinking back on childhood....
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The beauty of victory

To be quite honest I struggled alot with my emotions going on a crazy roller coaster the past two months! A little while ago I started feeling emotionally exhausted. I couldn't understand why I would one minute feel so joyful and the next I would feel hopeless and tired.   Until recently God revealed to me more about what was really going on. So as we have a physical realm (everything we see and touch), we have just as real spiritual realm where there is many many spiritual dark forces from Satan constantly attacking us with lies and fiery arrows...
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The beauty of the climb

Fear of rejection Fear of dissapointment Fear of not being enough Fear of not being captivating Fear of losing God Fear of falling back into the world of lies the enemy kept me in bondage for so long All these fears, one by one, kept on creeping back into my heart this last country of our journey. All the fears God has given me victory over. All the fears I have been set free from. All the hurt I have been healed from caused by these fears, slowly tempting me to shrink back into the lies I once believed defined...
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The beauty of vulnerability

This sentence is gonna sound a bit like a contradiction to the previous blog I posted about the beauty of weakness but bare with me for a moment and you will see how it fits in together. The world teaches us that vulnerability equals weakness but actually vulnerability equals beautiful strength. It is much more difficult to be vulnerable and honest about how you feel than not. It is when we are real and share the rawness of what is really going on in our heart, that takes so much boldness and courage.   Since Jesus have taught me about...
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The beauty of uncomfortability

Our team split up in groups of 3, went into the streets of Singapore and shared the love of Jesus. What a privilege to explore beautiful Singapore in this way. We went with the bare necessaties and trusted God for the rest! I'm not going to lie- It was definitely very challenging as we found that some people were very closed and cold toward us. 😬   I've learned a valuable lesson in the few days we spent in Singapore, after complaining to God about being uncomfortable while sharing the Good News.. God loves us soooo much and so deeply...
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The beauty of a lasting footprint

How precious are friendships not?  To be quite honest I arrived in Jordan thinking we will not form very close bonds with these people thus will it not be so difficult to say goodbye after two weeks. False. Doing life with people, caring for each other, seeing someone in the waking stages of their morning asking how you have slept, sharing food, sharing victories and sorrows in the ministry - these kind of actions forms special kind of bonds quickly and deeply. Before you realize it you are opening your heart to a friend who two weeks before was a...
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The beauty of walking on water

As   I was admiring the waters on which Jesus calmed a storm with a few words, the Holy spirit reminded me of when Peter walked on the water to Jesus.   Staring at the peaceful waters of the sea of Galilee, admiring the hills from afar.. This is where Peter had to let go of his fears, doubts, worries, anxieties and just trust. He stepped out of that boat on to that water and walked toward Jesus. He had to keep his eyes fixed on Jesus and just trust that He won't let him drown. Imagine.. Realizing you have...
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The beauty of weakness

Heal the brokenhearted and set the captives free. What an instruction! Pondering upon this quest, contemplating whether I will be able to do it or not; a still voice gently reminds me of how incapable I actually am to do this. I can not in my own strength nor with my own words heal and set free.   I am so humbled by the fact of how incredibly useless we are as human but still our beautiful God choose to use us and makes us bearers of His Light and Glory. What an amazing privilege! We are able to freely...
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The beauty of the unexpected moments

At 12- midnight our travelday began On a 9 hour busride from Rwanda to Uganda we set off.  Sleepy heads swaying side to side. A popping sound of a tire awakens us. Friends piggybackride eachother into the dark to do 'short call'  12- midnight again we were off to India. 12- noon we left the airport, not aware of the adventure that awaited us.  So we set forth with a limited budget, 20 kgs on our backs with a day bag in the front. Minds set on the dormitory 3km from the airport. Trying to stay strong, the humid and...
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The beauty of Him

A year ago, I had the privilege to embark on a 10 month journey with once strangers- now family, with the vision and purpose to share the Love of Jesus whilst adventuring through hills and valley's, oceans and forests, skylines and aeroplane flights. He has blessed us with beautiful people along the way who loved us as if we've known each other forever and people that made saying goodbye so incredibly difficult. My heart has been broken for nations, people, families, abondoned children. I've been faced with my own selfishness and my biggest insecurities. I've been healed and set free...
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