My foundation was shaken. It already started in China and carried on in Nepal. How we live and react to things that happen to us depends on what we believe about Jesus (i.e. The foundation that was built). Once you allow Jesus to come in to your house and some belief that you have that is not of Him...that belief starts to waver. Do you allow Him to set the truth as the foundation (a truth that is more solid and constant) or do you carry on building on something that is ignorant of Who Jesus is and what He...
Participant Blogs
Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...
Going to Nepal I felt like I was taken back to the Bible time. When you read about golden idols that people made and worshipped you don't really comprehend the intensity of it untill you see it for youself. Here I found 100 meter tall Hindu god statues on mountain tops covering Nepal with a dark atmosphere. The people of Nepal is 80% hindu. And in the Hindu culture they literally have millions of gods. My heart broke for these people worshipping their dead gods, but the good news is that the Lord is moving in Nepal. We connected with...
Newsletter February 2017 Hallo meine Lieben, Da bin ich wieder. Mein Blog ist jetzt theoretisch online, aber ich schreib lieber so, hat mehr Stil. Naja, wenn ihr es ausdrucken würdet, dann hätte es mehr Stil. Ich hoffe ihr habt in jedem Fall euren Spaß... Ich nehme euch gleich in meinen Anfang vom Februar mit rein. Am Mittwoch den 1. Februar ging Cheesecake2017 in eine neue Phase im UCSA Camp. Wir sind morgens um 4:30 Uhr aufgestanden, um den Sonnenaufgang für ein Fotoshooting richtig zu erwischen. Das war Anfangs etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig, aber das Ergebnis lässt sich wirklich sehen! :D Wenn ihr...
Newsletter January 2017 Hallo meine Lieben, Es ist ist wirklich schön mal wieder richtiges Deutsch zu benutzen! Ich liebe Worte, und in der Deutschen Sprache kenne ich einfach die allermeisten. Da wären wir gleich beim ersten Thema: David und internationale Kommunikation: In der Deutschen Sprache kenn' ich wahrscheinlich so an die 500.000 Worte, das können die meisten der Menschen die das hier lesen wahrscheinlich auch, sonst würden sie sich bald ziemlich schwer tun, da ich die meisten davon jetzt benutzen werde! Ok sorry das war gelogen, ich benutz' wahrscheinlich nur einen jämmerlichen Teil von den mir zur Verfügung stehenden Worte,...
We spent the past two weeks in Kathmandu, Nepal, mostly serving and encouraging our fellow believers.Tomorrow we are off to New Delhi, India. In Nepal God showed us a part of His power as many people recieved miraculous healing and many unbelievers came to Christ and could experience His power first hand. From driving out demons and laying on hands, to saving people from their suicide attempts, God really used me like never before, making me a vessel of His power. The past two weeks I had many opportunities to preach, in both churches and rural non believing villages. The...
When the winds of change blow, some build walls and others build windmills -Chinese proverb- Before we became a family we were all individuals living our separate lives. So in our forming a family our lives intertwined...but we all still came from different backgrounds. We have different ways of doing things, different ways of handling situations and different ideas. So when the winds of change blew we as a team were challenged. We all handled these winds differently. For some the winds of change brought about immediate adaption and they started building a windmill, for others the change was more...
Jesus was the only self-sufficient man to ever live, yet He chose to live, travel and minister with community. This means there is something special about family. Since Adam and Eve left the garden, the whole story of scripture has been about a family on the move. And so, this is a story about the forming of a new family, undergoing training and being equipped for a very special journey. The one thing that stands true for this family is that we did not chose each other…but God certainly chose us to be together. Two months ago we...
The past 2 months of training at GCEX has taught me many things. I am thankful for all that I have learnt and felt prepared me for my journey to Asia. This is my first time coming to South Africa and I have started to love the country, the people and the culture. But the most important is that I have learnt from God how to love Him more. Here I experienced fellowship and family and through this they helped to equip my heart for the nations. I learnt how to love others as God loves me. I learnt to...
Many times in life we are faced with a decision that would forever alter the course of our lives. I was faced with such a decision and stepping out of the ´norm´ was harder than I thought. After five years of studies, the obvious choice would have been to pursue a ´comfortable´ path leading to a ´comfortable´ life filled with an abundance of comforts. On the other side of the spectrum, my heart had a conflicting view with that of society´s norm. I had a longing for adventure and with this longing came a fear that this would never be...
Lighthouse = A building that emits light in times of darkness Every year the kids of GLA go on a camp according to their team colours. This year I accompanied the orange team to Oyster Bay and Oyster Bay is such a beautiful place! It was a good time for me to rest after an interesting week, because the previous week I would sum up as hard and challenging but there was still a lot of good moments, moments to treasure. After it ended many had tears of relieve and joy, I was just happy because it was over. The...