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Breakfast in a hammock

Breakfast in a hammock
    We started Peru off in Iquitos. This is a town in the middle of the Amazon! How did we get there? Well there are no roads to Iquitos only rivers to Iquitos. So your options are boat or plane. We opted to go for a 3 day upriver boat trip from Leticia Colombia.                         This boat trip was so special! We slept in hammocks had no team activities, the boat cooked for us and sailed us up stream for 3 glorious days. We had our meals served to...
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Our Amazing Amazon Adventure

Our Amazing Amazon Adventure

It's funny how, just a year ago, I was watching a documentary about the Amazon on the television. Halfway through the program, I changed the channel, thinking: "Why should I watch a program about a place that I'll never visit?" It's funny how The Lord works, isn't it?

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Beauty for ashes

Beauty for ashes
You never know what you can live without until you have to carry everything in one bag on your back -JS This week has been the craziest and probably most frustrating time of my entire life, we didn't get our Macedonia visas and had to come to Israel earlier. I have never felt the need to make notes of what happens to me until I experienced this week and knew I had to tell you guys all about it. I am currently sitting in my tent and decided I HAVE to write. Everything I am using now fits into my...
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6 Days In A Hammock

6 Days In A Hammock
(This is still a blog from the Amazon from March) A blog of pictures from our week on the Amazon River After seven amazing days and incredible times soaking in the Word, we are ready for Colombia!
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Brazil in retrospect

As I am writing this We are on a shuttle on our way to Bonfim which is on the border of Brazil and Guyana. We just got of the boat a few days ago and starting traveling towards Guyana.This is where we leave Brazil and all its diversity. As I look out the window it has the feel of deep Africa. Dry and open. A big contrast to the Amazon we experienced a week ago. That goes for the cities in Brazil as well. Diverse. So many cultures and different ways of doing things. It is a ever changing landscape...
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