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Malaysia Faith Journey

Faith Journey Malaysia   The Luke 10 Faith journeys would begin in a country unique and alien to us, good thing it wasn't up to us to decide what to do. We all came from Singapore to Malaysia with uncertainty and excitement. This whole year we don't know what amazing stuff Gods has to surprise us with, now even more so. The team split into four groups. What occurred that we would for the first time be "split" and be completely dependent on God for everything!   We reunited in Kuala Lumpur ten days after starting our Luke 10 faith...
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Going out into the world to give are we?

What an adventure! All Glory to God. We trusted Him and we where blown completely away by his goodness with this Luke 10 Faith Journey for 10 days. The thought came to me to lay everything bare, to pour out my heart to the Lord in worship and prays until we had an answer.    I suddenly had a desire to delve into the Word, a couple of days passed waiting apon the Lord at Changi Airport in Singapore. I didn't know if God was speaking or not during this time, i  looked for scripture to confirm where to go...
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Chill times...

Had an amazing adventure with Jesus the past ten days in Malasia. God blessed us so much and provided abundently. He gave us so much more than we needed and I know He had an absalute jol every step of the way. Though we stumbled, He kept us in His hand and never forsaked us, just like He promessed. I know God always wants us to trust Him like we did these past days and even more, so I know He will teach me how to live in full dependance of Him in my everyday life. Thank You Jesus. O...
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Luke 10 Singapore/ Malaysia

Mission: Get to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from Singapore within 10 days. Trust the Lord for a man/men of peace. Challenges: You will have limited resources and you have to take all your luggage With you (contrary to Luke 10). Day 1: 6 September Woke up in dodgy corner in airport with 2 other homeless people. Ate noodles noodles 1.5 sng $ changi airport went out came back again. Jesus told us, go back and rest in me. Wait upon Jesus to act. Bought dinner 2.15 sng $ Day 2: 7 September Still at changi airport. So we still waiting to...
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Macedonia - to God be the Glory!

Macedonia - to God be the Glory!
After an excruciating two days of travel by bus and train and hanging out at various interesting stop over stations, we arrived in Macedonia in the middle of the night - tired, dirty and hungry. Our moods were immediately lifted when we were welcomed by our friendly hosts who received us at the train station with big smiles and joyful hearts. They treated us to a midnight feast of the biggest hamburgers we have ever seen and it was not long before realized that Macedonia, like the Middle East has a very late night culture. Nothing happens before 10 in...
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Life on the Island

Life on the Island
LIFE ON THE ISLAND As on many islands you expect to get a lot of palm trees layered with coconuts, white sandy beaches and a friendly local greeting you in a vibrant tongue telling you to enjoy your stay on the island. Fiji is much the same. It consists of 333 islands with two main "bigger" islands . The people are extremely warm and relational orientated and your watch is only used to tell you when it's time for your next meal. According to history, Fijians came over from Africa with "big canoes" in the 1800's. Not hard to believe....
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Vulnerable in Colombia

  Im busy reading this book on vulnerability and shame. Apparently shame does not like it when we talk about it and this is where vulnerability comes in. Its to open up a part of yourself that may be assaulted or hurt by others. So its about the courage to open up. To step into the arena and fight the fight with others who are courages enough. And people who are not in the arena don't have a say or should not influence the way you think about yourself. Your worthiness is in your courage to step out in faith...
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Journey to the end of the earth

Journey to the end of the earth   "You will be spiritually awakened, Work Your Way, the time has come."   This was a prophesy given to Work Your Way in Sydney, we didn't expect accurate it would be! How God works His way in the most unexpected times, how it unfolds as He has predestined by working in hearts of those who love him.    The First ten days in Fiji was spent in a rural community called Labasa at a YWAM base surrounded by rustling sugarcane plantations, scattered palm trees that eventually had to be climbed and uncharted...
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Fiji Island

Fiji A lot happens in a months time. We are already on our way again after spending a bit over twenty days in Fiji. The first sence of the country could already be felt on arrival, this is one of the friendliest people groups I have met. This country is generally filled with friendliness. It is a bit of a laid back culture even modern music has been mixed to fit the island vibe as you drive on local busses.    We started off at a YWAM(youth with a mission) base near Labasa on the northern island. Here we were...
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An Impartation of Servanthood in Greece

An Impartation of Servanthood in Greece
We spent one week in Greece. One week that help to shape my life. Our ministry there was to clean up the accommodation facilities and prepare the camping grounds for the summer season. We were preparing the ground for summer camps...both physically and in prayer!:) In the afternoons we had the opportunity to swim in the ocean, take long walks along the shoreline, play some sports and explore the little coastal town of Leptokarya. We also had amazing times of worship on the grass outside and around the camp fire at night where God really revealed Himself to us in...
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