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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Macao CRAZY!

Would everyone with a watch please set it to 10:32 – in future lets all try to be on time. And we believed her... CRAZY! This is how Sulene got us to synchronise our watches before handing out Macao challenge... 
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Introducing China…

What do you really know about China? Beijing is the capital and host of the 2008 summer Olympics. Just about everything is “Made in China”. Locals speak a funny language and have a really weird alphabet. They aren’t open to the gospel of Jesus Christ.  And the closest you’ve ever been to speaking Chinese is shing, chong, sha! Is that about it? That’s about as much as we knew until about 3 weeks ago. So here is what we’ve learned since…
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Extreme Yellow Team Footage

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Feasts and Celebrations

By Jana Dippenaar / Yellow Team

So it seems that being yellow means you eat a lot? And really well! At first we were all amazed at what one can eat with a R8 per person per day food budget. Thanks to Royco pasta sauces meals needn't even be all spicy and hot and with fresh food markets all around and mutton prices extremely cheap even traditional boerekos is possible! China is a chef's paradise? But this is not at all what God had in mind when He sent us to the heart of China. Improving my cooking skills will have to wait for later because right now God is treating us!!

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Last Supper... Guess again?

yellow_girl.jpg26 March 2008 - by Yellow Team
Have you ever felt your tummy making spirals and flip flopping while you wait for your supper bill? It's not really the best of feelings, is it? This is exactly how we felt after sharing one of the best meals we've had with two locals. Wesley, Tjaart and Margot - the more active three in the team, met our friends while playing soccer with the scholars at the local school. On our last evening in the town of which name we're still not sure we invited the boy and his brother to have noodles with us. They suggested local lamb.

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Goodbyes and hallos...

After Zambia the yellow team was sad to have to say goodbye to Lena but our tears soon turned to smiles when we got to meet our last team member, Margot! As some of you might know Margot missed out on the 6week Zambia training and only joined us now. With a new country came a new team member!
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Challenged in Africa

It’s Monday evening around ten and the air is filled with excitement and anticipation. Tomorrow is the start of Global Challenge X 2008, we’re set to depart to Zambia as a team around 11am…
Or maybe not! As we were soon to find out the leadership of this organisation is full of surprises and can never be trusted. They lied to the parents without as much as a sly smile. Challenge 1, Africa Challenge is announced, and what a challenge!


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yellow.jpgGlobal Challenge X has started!

With anticipation and eagerness we look forward to this year! We as team can’t wait to get to know one another, we can’t wait to get to know God! To see Him, to experience Him! We as team can’t wait for you to get to know us…

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