A shower on Gatwick airport brought me a revelation.. Why? Well , firstly the shower came with the expectation of docking up one pound for it. (after spending one night on a bus and the next two sleeping at different airports this was money to be spent very wisely!). Great was the joy then when we learned that one pound was only if you did not have your own toiletries and towel. Soon the three showers was taken over by myself and most of my teammates. The joy over this shower then made me realise - He is the God who so often (daily!) provides in the small things while...
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Participant Blogs
Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...
Incredible India When the wheels of the Boeing 747 touched the runway all memories stopped and reality parked at the door of my heart. The summer heat of India embraced me like a loved one and it is holding as if in fear of losing me. The aroma of spices awakened my smell senses and familiarity rushed through my mind. The taxi ride was like a movie playing back a reminder of how incredible India is. The streets are filled with people, riksjas, bicycles, playing children, cows, busses, and cars. The sound of business shouts from all the corners...
This week the Mug&Dougnut was accompinied by the delightful Mss. Marietjie van Wyk as special guest to the coffee experience. In beign the professionals that we are, the M&D pride themselves inviting the best coffee connoiseurs from right across the world to share their expert opinions! This is what she had to say: It is with great excitement that I share my experince of the first official gathering of the Mugg(Marcel) and Dougnut(Dauw) coffee experience. Since it is a privelage to be the first guest to be invited to such an esteemed gathering, I was greately honoured by the company...
Vision: To enjoy a coffee in every country we visit. Mission: To enjoy a special coffee moment with Mug(Marcel) and Dougnut(Dauw). To evaluate every coffee experience on the following 10 point scale. Evaluation: Location Atmosphere Service Menu Cost/quality ratio Coffee appearance Aroma Taste Frothiness General Note: Ocasionally a special guest will be invited to share in this special moment! Points Scale Israel Turkey Guatemala London Russia Location 3/5 3/5 Atmosphere 4/5 3/5 Service 3/5 2.5/5 Menu 5/5 5/5 Cost-quality ...
Since our arrival here in China almost three weeks ago, the Yellow Team (Huang Dui) already have much to report on and share from our hearts! Our team is healthy, excited, unified and humble in order to be used. We travelled from small town to small town for the past while and we did not not have any set program, fixed contact or set-up ministry as a 'what-to-do' so we had to pray about what to do in each town and to meet the right people. During this time we realised, individually and as a team, that we could not be...
I always thought I had to do everything alone, but these last 12 days, I realised I can't!! I also realised, I never did anything alone, God was always there!! He is our protector, our guide, our comforter and our friend!!
Jesus steps Bethlehem-Nazareth-Galılee-Jeruzalem Bethlehem- Matthew 2:1 "Now after Jesus was born ın Bethlehem of Judea ın the days of Herod the kıng,behold, wıse men from the East came to Jeruzalem" Why dıd they put Jesus on the cross above Hıs birth place.. was the fırst thought that came ınto my mınd waıle I was ın tghe Natıvıte church.Where ıs the joy ın thıs place Luke 2:10 "Then the angel saıd to them,"Do not be afraıd,for behold,I brıng you good thıngs of a great JOY whıch wıll be to all people". Nazareth- Luke 2:39-40 "So when they had...
And We’re Off Janine and the 4 men just left on the first ever HeartCore journey! Janine, Xander, Max, John and Otto are on their way to Knysna where they’ll spend tonight. We’ve experienced incredible favour upon this journey – we’ve received numerous donations, food, petrol, discount on the vehicle rental, free nights in hotels and we’re on day one! Watch this space – it’s time for miracles and incredible stories