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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Hi Chana-Red team (China)

Hi at the moment we are in China. We had a very good time in Thailand. God challenged us on quite a few things, especially trusting Him, servanthood, submitting our own will and desires to His. God is really good even if things get tough. He stays faithful in every aspect. It is shocking to see how lost the world is. It doesn't matter if you are in Thailand or China. Thankfully there is always hope in Jesus Christ! And we as red team just experience that hope more day by day. Tommorow we are giong on a 3 week...
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Learning in the Levant

Not just oil, sand and Islam, I've come to realise. The Middle East is an incredibly rich and deep spot on the globe. Egypt, being the first contact, eased us into the Arabic culture, being one of the most moderate Arab states. Although being there did have its challenges, coping with the otherness was not at all too difficult. I think I want to learn to speak Arabic, and Egypt may not be a bad choice for that either, as it is generally considered, by Westerners and Arabs alike, that their's is one of the most accessible dialects used. I...
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It has been a while...

At long last I am also writing something.  Were to begin? We have traveled through the Middle East wıth mixed feelings. Egypt was a spiritual journey - one of realising how dark the world could be. The difference between Cairo and Anaphora-in the spirıtual world-was so tangible,it was frightning. In Dahab we had a good time ın teachings,but also  swimming in the Red Sea and searchıng for Nemo. Did I mentioned the 11th plague that ıs still ın Egypt? FLIES!!!!! oh and for extra measure- cats and even more cats!!!! In Israel everything changed yet again-except for the fact that we,GCEX,managed...
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This is what i waited for, this is our Africa!! Senegal is an amazing country full of coulorfull taxi's and busses that can only drive 50km/h. These people are cultivated, more than we can imagen. I really fell in love with Senegal, this country will see me again!!
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Yellow Team Travels (Part 2)

Yellow Team Travels (Part 2)
  So, without further due... here is what happened on the rest of the Yellow team's challenge... as we promised! After putting up our previous blog, we left Kuala Lumpur at 24:00 that morning, on our way to the Thailand border, still on mission: get to Phuket and pitch our tents on Nai Yang beach. We travelled there 7 hours and crossed the border at 07:00 without any delays. First stop in thailand was Hat Yai,  a town aproximately 10km from the border post. Wewere very excited to finally be home 9well not quite yet) to our home for the next...
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O Israel!

O Israel!
  Israel Happy are those who set their hearts on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.                                                                                                                                                                           O little Town of Jerusalem so many people walk your streets searching for answers and stop around every corner to ask more questions.  To walk where you walked!  To see what you saw!  To meet with you face to face.  God would cease to be God if He stopped sharing and revealing Himself through love to the pure in heart.  O little Town of Jerusalem the Father gave his only Son; the way, the truth, the life.  O Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone...
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  Hey everyone   We are currently in Morocco and I must admit that it is awesome.  The people here are great and the weather cannot be better.   Our first few days were spent in Fes, right inside the old city.  We stayed at some of the South Africans living there and got to see such a lot of the place.  One of the workers in Fes took us prayer walking on Friday and in the process we were invited by some of the locals for Sunday lunch.   Sunday lunch was one of the most memorable lunches ever.  Not...
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Chuckit, wingit or Malaysian Ringet

Chuckit, wingit or Malaysian Ringet
  Welcome to Malaysia! Southbound is still on our way to Thailand however we also seem to be finding ourselves on challenge in Malaysia! Two very eager and excited expedition leaders handed the team leaders our envelopes with the tasks for our challenge with sunrise this morning. We only arrived in Malaysia yesterday coming from Israel and Cairo and by letting us challenge in and around Kuala Lumpur and to Thailand was definitely a very exciting and comprehensive way to help us see the wonderful city and sights, taste the culture, meet the people, pray and spend some Ringets (Malaysia's currency)....
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What JOY for those who...

What JOY for those who...
 (Picture of the Sun setting over Mount Sinai- It was VERRRY COLD!) In the last three months God has taken me on an increadible journey: Starting in Egypt, and then from mount Sinai to Jerusalem! This is not only a physical journey but this is also where the Lord is taking me emotionally and spiritually. " What Joy for whose strength comes from the Lord, who have set their hearts on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem" Psalm 84:5 Once a year God's people would travel to Jerusalem- WHY- because that's where the temple\the presence of God was. In God's presence there is fulness of Joy. I have by no means arrived-...
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60 days

60 days
 Hallo  brothers and sisters in Christ :) For first lets go back to February, February was the last month of preparation, so we had lot of teaching and we had the first challenge for this year :) It was a challenge from Jeffreys Bay to Coffer Bay-Transkai, what was 700 KM, it was a 15 hours race :) On the way to  Coffer Bay we had to find a pig and a chicken, eat chicken food, tell your testimony  to 5 people and find out how to say Hallo-, My name i-, Your name is  on Korza language. The challenge was so...
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