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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Yellow LUKE 10 video!*

[video: 600x600]
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yellow´s travel map 2010***

yellow´s travel map 2010***
Check out the map put together by Danie... its our travels thus far! the colours shows if it was by flight or overlanding with bus or hitchhiking! :) Enjoy! Hope it is clear enough! GOD IS GOOD!
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Envelope + a Saturday morning = challenge... Tasks included... Getting together 20 kids for a photo! Buying 20 pencils and handing them out to 20 kids and telling them that God loves them in Spanish! Danie drew a picture and then had to sell it... then we bought fruit with the money and blessed someone with it, while teaching them about the fruits of the Spirit... in Spanish! :) We had to pray for 5 sick people for healing... this lady i randomly walked past in the road, on her way to the doctor! she has been sick for 8 months, in...
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Short & sweet Nicaragua*

Our time in Nicaragua was short and busy! We were only there for a week, but we got a lot done! And God once again led us all the way and took over wherever we went! We served under Hosanna church, which is a huge church in Managua. During our time in Nicaragua, we were joined by the Hidden World team, Liesel, Jakes and Francois! What a blessing that was! Liesel was on South Bound last year, and during their Luke 10 journey, they made the connection and started a relationship between Global Challenge and Hosanna church! Once again we...
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Dankie Liewe Jesus is al was ons kan sê !

Ons het Suid-Amerika  met ‘n bang af geskop, ons het in Mendoza in Argentina ‘n nag gebly waar ons in ‘n Hostel ge oornag  het en het die Bafana Bafana wedstryd teen Uruguay gekyk saam met die Argentinean wat glo vir my hulle is mal verby oor sokker , maar julle sal seker verstaan want sokker was daar in SA. Oral in die land was daar vlae en mense met hemde en met hulle vuvuzelas in strate geblaas wat my natuurlik aan huis laat dink het hoe dit daar in SA is in my en ons eie agter veld. Ons...
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Hitchhike... humility... Honour to God!*

Hitchhike... humility... Honour to God!*
Have you ever experienced a 34 hour day? Imagine that... traveling... different time zones... minimal sleep!!! That was South Bound from New Zealand to Mendoza, Argentina! After we made a semi-successful attempt to sleep on the Mendoza airport, we were given the plans for the next few days! ¨In your small groups, go and explore South America, this is the time, you have 6 days, R100 per day per person... and all you need to do is meet up again in Lima in 6 days! See places, jump of a bridge!!!¨  This was Global Challenge we all thought!!! Time to explore South America! Macchu Pittchu maybe!...
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Join the global challenge!!!!!

Fun times with GREAT friends!!!!
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URN Update: target raised to R150 000

Dear friends, The team have now succesfully distributed food to the total value of R80 000! And all of the target villages have been reached. We thank God for this miracle. Unfortunetly the team's time is up and they need to move on to catch their flight to Ethiopia. The fact of the matter is that there are still millions of people on the brink of starvation. I recently read this article on News 24 which describes the emergency that Niger now finds itself in. We cannot ignore the pleas of the people, even though the team is not...
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Yellow represents GCEX @ private school in kiwi land*

Yellow represents GCEX @ private school in kiwi land*
Their fields look like golf courses, you see rainbows daily, the houses look like they can be picked up at anytime and their poo pond looks like Silver Lakes golf estate's lakes! New Zealand is beautiful... and FULL of South Africans! We were all suprised to realise the numbers of South Africans here... so much so that when you are speaking Afrikaans in a shop, you need to be careful of what you say! Pretorius, Le Roux, Bosman, Ferreira, van Rensburg etc are common surnames here now! The local libraries even have a shelf for Afrikaans books! Not to mention...
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Building a fence in our love suits in Australia*

Building a fence in our love suits in Australia*
After the heat and humidity of Asia, we were absolutely delighted to walk into an icy Australia where we did not always have the sweat glow on our foreheads and we could finally use our Global Challenge jackets every day! :) Australia was defiintely full of learning experiences... learning how to debark a tree, learning how to cut down a tree, learning how to plant the stumps for the fence, how to ride a scrambler, how to ride a horse and how to actually build a fence!* We as yellow team were not assigned to a specific job together, so...
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