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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Hadhih Hadia - "This is a gift"

Hadhih Hadia - "This is a gift"
  If I were to ask you to think of the most favorite gift you have ever received, what would your answer be? I am sure you have quite a few just like me but if I were to name but one it would be my time in Spain. I was given the immense privilege to not only give a gift but to receive one much greater than I myself could have hoped for.    Our adventure started in Tarifa. A quaint little seaside town overlooking the glorious mountains of Morocco. Coming from a country where Christianity and Bibles are...
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When Step Up becomes more than a dance movie

When Step Up becomes more than a dance movie
I remember the hopeful goodbye we said to our team leader as we left Malaysia, on our way to a 6 week Australian visit. He had been denied his Australian visa, and therefore he could not enter with us. Global was sending a "temporary" leader to help us start our work on the sheep farms, however after his visit, we were sure that our leader would rejoin the group and lead us further, as planned. However, as with most things, God's plan was not our plans. Louw never received his visa, and before I knew it, Reinhardt's time with us...
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Graceful Australia

Australia was a different type of good for our team. We were separated a whole lot and had a lot of new influential additions to the team, so I would say we grew a lot, individually.    We all saw how one could be a witness in the work place and how Jesus type behavior, inspires us to become more like Jesus. The Willersdorfs invested in our lives and made themselves vulnerable so that we could totally become part of their family. And family we were. We were treated like kings!   Because we weren't really together through the week...
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Wide open spaces, a strange, familiar landscape, country music playing " loud-az"  in their "utes" (utility vehicle). Strange accents with words that take a while to get up to tabs on. When someone would ask or tell you something enough times, you stop asking, "what" and just say, "yeap".    This island of a continent is Australia and is largly underestimated! It is our saving grace for the year as we would need to work with sheep on farms to pay the for the rest of the year's travels.    On our arrival in Sydney we where organized a place...
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