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I'm still trying to figure out who this God of mine really is. Last night I found myself scolding God as if He were a little child.

I felt like He wanted me to come on this journey. Knowing I don't have the funds. I felt like He must have known what He was doing but now it feels like He just doesn't care.

After I spoke my mind for a good 30 min He simply asked me if I was done. A moment after someone walked in. Gave me all the answers I just asked God and walked out.

I was silent. Who are you God? This morning R12 000 appears in my account.

WHO ARE YOU GOD! Bigger than my fears! Bigger than my problems! Bigger than my obstacles. Bigger than my insecurities. Bigger than me.

My big God.

After spending 3 weeks with Syrian and Iraq refugees at Tabanovce border camp for refugees I started wondering.

Would the hope be restored if these people knew how big God is? Would they be able to look forward to something more than just fleeing to Germany illegally?

My heart started skipping beats. I imagined not having God. I remembered how hopeless, scared and Worthless I felt.

I was never in a war.. I couldn't imagine how they must feel.. Being stripped of everything. Not knowing God. The thought deeply concerned me.

I've made friends with these people. Relationships. How much more could it have meant if they could have seen more of God through me.

My prayers are that God will reveal Himself to them.. Love them. Restore. Bring hope. Establish faith.

Macedonia was where I saw how important God is to me. Where I realized that Jesus is Lord of all. Lord over all.

My big God.

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Hope for the refugees in Macedonia
Guard your heart

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