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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

The start

Before leaving for the nations we had some time in Johannesburg. We served at Gereformeerde church in Linden, but our team, Hidden Paths, was blessed with an opportunity to go too Potchefstroom for a week while the other teams was back at the "hallelujah house" where we then after Potchefstroom also severed. In Potchefstroom we did various things, marketing, leading worship, evangelism, serving at a home group sell and last but not least we did a little bit of manual labor around the pastor's new house.  In Linden we did alot of ministry, but my favorite one was the senior...
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The "Real" world

"Real" world
The "real" world is a scary place most of us create in our minds. I for one thaught that after our training period had finished I might slowly carve back into my old path. This has been proven false and I couldn't be more confident in the eternal changes God has established. We stay in the same world that we did five or even ten years ago, time doesn't change us but our circumstances do. What we take from these circumstances into the ones that follow form us and if led by God helps us shape the world. With this...
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City Of Gold

We went to Johannesburg as our first ministry point. Going into Johannesburg I wasn’t prepared for all the things God would do in my life and the promises he would make for Johannesburg.   In Johannesburg I had the privilege to get to know the people within the city and I had a chance to work with the real gold of the city, the people.   God made it very clear through multiple prophecies that He has REVIVAL in store for Johannesburg. God also miraculously healed me from ADD. On the contrary to what I was expecting of Johannesburg, the...
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There are known knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns. It's easy to predict what's in store for us as a team this year. I know we're all persuing Christ even as He's persuing each one of us. I nor the team know what to expect from the countries we'll be going but we do know to what countries we'll be going. Lastly and for the most part we don't know what to expect, we don't know the relationships we'll make nor the people we'll meet, we don't know about the lives Christ will touch through us. God is good and...
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My beloved, you are mine and I am yours.

My beloved, you are mine and I am yours.
We had the privilege to attend the Kingdom Come conference! God painted the folowing picture for me: We are His and He is ours. We are the eye - one with the  God, the sunflower. The eye represents us. We are not whole - we are broken pieces. The different shapes in the background represents our lives - A MESS WITHOUT GOD! We are colorful and unique, but still incomplete without God. Jesus, our savior, is the sunflower. He is the light! He makes us whole and is the highway to heaven. He completes our eyes. He opens it to...
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These last few weeks I have constantly been confronted with control or more over the lack thereof. Starting this journey I never knew I had such strong control issues 🙈  God placed me in a group of people that are mostly adventurous and can easily adapt to change. I on the other hand plan everything before hand and dislike last minute changes (which is pretty much the definition of Global Challenge). But I am slowly realizing that God is teaching me to relax more and to not just rush through life. However this is not an easy lesson to learn,...
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Today’s Gift

Tomorrow is my first time I am leaving this beautiful country that I’ve called home for the last 24 years. It’s been tempting these last few months to start fantasizing about distant lands with interesting people and the unknown adventures that await. So not to get caught up in wishing the clock to tick quicker, I’ve had to come up with questions for myself such as: When I’m talking to someone I ask myself ‘Who is this person?’ Even though I’ve known them for a long time. Or When I’m in a place I’ve been, I ask myself ‘Where am I?’...
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Led to Lead

I'm leading a team this year!  In less than four years God has come and radically changed my life for the better. I believe that each and every single one of us are led to lead. In other words Christ leads us to lead others to him. What a privilege it is to be able to lead a team of intrepid missionaries this year! Our smaller team has been dubbed Hidden Places, this year there's also one team called Distant Nations and another called Work Your Way. Our team will go to more than 15 countries from South America to...
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Walking into Global

Walking into global I was still very insecure and uncertain and didn't know what to expect at all.  I walked into an enviroment that was judgement-free and so full of love and acceptance. Within 2 weeks the team became my family.  In the past few weeks I've learned more about loving and serving than I have in my life. I've learned  about suffering and rejoicing in it. I've learned so much about fellowship with God and man and I've learned how vulnerability can bring people closer together.  I came to Global seeking adventure but on the way I found myself,...
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Surrender the "I" and I'll give you the vision.

Surrender the
Wow, it is finally here, Global 2020! How did I get here? In retrospect, it's a humbling feeling looking back at your life, marveling at the Lords work!  Realising how loving and supportive the people around me have been on my journey but moreso how gracious and loving the Lord has been when I deserved His presence, blessing and love the least. I am amazed by the beauty and privilege of being part of the Lords plans! Making heaven busy, and bringing heaven to earth. I am left in wonder going into Global 2020, wondering where the Lord is taking...
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