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Local Challenge Expeditions

When we arrived at Jeffrey's Bay on the 1st of June, we felt we had lost opportunities of adventure and experiencing Jesus in the nations- because we came back home six months too early. We were hit by the harsh reality of covid-19 regulations, being unable to greet our global community whom we last saw at the beginning of March. One thing we re-discovered is that we need to be more flexible and that God is using us in ways we couldn't have planned for or even imagined. We had to let Jesus drive while we followed in the passenger...
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Hogsback to basics

Hogsback to basics
On our way to Hogsback, our hearts and spirits were excitedly imagining what adventure lay ahead and what our new ministry point would entail. After driving through the beautiful mountains, we parked next to a cozy cottage surrounded by natural forestry and a view looking out at the hogsback mountains. We were welcomed by our host and shown to our camp site. Welcome to the Bush, and back to basics. We settled into our tents and snuggled in our warm sleeping bags, the sound of the tent zips hinting to outdoor adventure. We are bonding as a newly grouped team,...
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Everyday heroes

My team and I served at aftercare for kids. There I met the lady, Aunty Waai, who runs the aftercare and who is also a proud grandmother.   Her passion and eagerness to pray for physical healing caught my attention. One of the very first conversations I had with her she testified about how her one of her prayers was to be healed from cancer and how God has answered her. She prayed with such persistence and perseverance which stirred a desire in my own heart for having faith as strong as she has. the time she spent in the...
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The same lense, different perspective.

Covid-19 — the unknown to men, the known to God.   2020 — a year that we thought we knew the outline of the drawing, the colour of the picture, the game plan of the match. It's time for a different chapter. A chapter God already wrote.   Our journey is like a new movie. We've already seen the trailer of Global Challenge Expiditions 2020. We've  decided to step into the cinema to watch how our expectations will onfold...   BOOM! Our movie suddenly hits a climax — a plot twist no one expected. Scenes filled with face masks and...
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Vibrant Revival

Going to Brazil I was super excited to see what God had in store for us as well as Brazil. On our first day our team got divided into pairs in which we went to different hosts.   Even with a language barrier my host family welcomed us with open arms. In our week we have spent there we saw devision become unity in their family and we had the privilege of God using us to cast out anxieties and fear.   We really drew close to our hosts and they became family.   Throughout the whole of Brazil God...
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Cast your net just one more time...

Corona has impacted our year greatly and naturally we're disappointed to be in the position that we're in. None of us has anticipated to find ourselves on a grape farm near Worcester when we were actually supposed to be in Costa Rica or something. In these times we so often have the tendency to focus on the problem rather than God's provision. Our team is immensely blessed and I'd bet big money that we're having a better lockdown than anyone in South Africa. We have the wide open spaces of the farm, we have a means of earning money through...
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Uncertain future, certain God.

Let's go!
Our journey back to South Africa was undoubtedly paved by the hand of the Father. The moment we heard the seriousness of Corona, we as teams were called to meet together at a central place in Brazil - a house in the mountains near a very small town. A local church from Sao Paulo blessed us with the opportunity to stay there in order to regroup. We all met up, Hidden Paths, Distant Nations and Work your Way - we knew we would see each other through the year, never knew it would be this soon, it was a challenge...
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Dark am I, yet lovely

One of the first leads when we dreamed of what the Silk Route journey might be at the latter end of 2018, was the 2020 Olympics in Japan: “If we traverse the Silk Road from West to East, or from Turkey to China, we could extend it to Japan and serve as volunteers at the Games!”, or so we fantasized. I remember still adding, “Nations across the globe all in one place at one time—what better opportunity to reach out to so great a diversity of people groups than this?” Needless to say, this plausible idea fizzled out as the...
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And We Dance

Our time in Johannesburg has flown by!   One of the most blessed and challenging aspects of this season has been stepping into worship through dancing. I’ve always loved to worship the Lord through song and have often felt the nudging to really dance before the Lord as well but have never had the courage to do so publicly. However, freedom is now the word I’m associating with worship and so dance before the Lord I shall!   I’m so excited about the new ways that Holy Spirit is speaking to my heart and moving in my life. It feels...
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The Great Commission

The Great Commission. Coming out of 40 days of training in Jeffrey’s Bay, my heart is overflowing with excitement for the year as we get sent out and commissioned to finally go. Come on ! We’ve had wonderful teachers from all around the world to come and speak to us about God’s grace, living to love with Jesus, growing in the prophetic and being sensitive to the Holy Spirit. We even had a week of hard labour, building a bridge and pathway for a high school in Jeffrey’s Bay. The weather was crazy, but it was so much fun !...
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