I’ve tried to summarize the start of my Global Journey. The time here has been phenomenal, God has been teaching me about dependence on Him and has stripped me of self-sufficiency. I have learnt about pride, friendship, to live to love and I have seen His face all around me. I hope this gives you a little bit of insight into what I’ve been experiencing. My insufficiency, God’s Glory This whole time I’ve been thinking, man am I really like that? A sinner with a heart in open rebellion? Full of anger, fear and doubt, hopeless and broken without a...
Participant Blogs
Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...
continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no indication of success.
I’m Eduard. I’m 18 years old. I’m joining the work your way team this year to embark on an adventerous journey to the nations. Our team is only four strong but we believe that there’s a reason why the navy seals travel in teams of four. I’m responsible for buying and cooking meals for the team this year. I trust and believe that God will provide for us abundantly. I am excited to explore the wilderness of different countries as well as the different cultures. Training has been tough so far but it has done me good. There is also...
Colossians 3:17. Whether in work or deed, do everything as if unto God. I've read this verse over and over again. Only during work week has it come alive in me. Swinging the pick axe, shoveling the sand or performing any other physical task will never look the same to me again. It is worship and it is such a powerful reminder that service to those around me is actually more for God than anything else. Sweating side by side under the scorching sun with my newfound teammates and brothers I've seen the beauty of dying to self. I've had...
Does the potter not have the right over the clay, to make from the same lump [of clay] one object for honorable use [something beautiful or distinctive] and another for common use [something ordinary or menial]? Romans 9:21 This verse never really sunk in before I started my journey. I came in here thinking that I am a polished diamond, but I walked into a world full of rough diamonds. It's been a life-changing process of becoming the original rough diamond that God wants me to be so that He can start shaping me into His caracter. Six days of...
2 Samuel 6:14 David danced before the Lord with all of his might. I have always wanted to dance freely before the Lord, to praise Him at any time and in any place, but my fear of judgement always stopped me. I worried about what people would think about me and what they would say. I am so grateful that Jesus didn’t leave me where I was, instead He set me free from my fears and redirected my heart towards Him. He broke down all the walls that I had built, walls that hindered my relationship with Him! I am...
When I was accepted to join the Global Challenge team I remember reading all the different team roles in the manual, when I got to the 'Team Leader' role, I skipped right over it thinking "I'm definitely not going to be chosen to do that." Skip ahead a few months to me sitting opposite the Global team leaders with them asking me if I'd be willing to lead a team this year. I'm going to be honest, my first response was panic! I felt totally inadequate for the job. All I was thinking was "Lord, I want to be obedient...
Day 29 - a (almost) month filled with new family, overflowing joy, serving with Jesus, living a life to love with God and making unforgettable memories... Global challenge welcomed me with open arms the moment I set my foot in the Mission house.The Godly-love the students, staff and community have for each other are contagious! God blessed me with new brothers and sisters to share my Global journey with. God poured joy into my heart this 29 days. He opened my eyes to see joy all around me. He showed me His joy in people and in the smallest of...
Training has been as spiritual as it is been practical. Whether it is cutting trees for firewood, watching a video on pride, helping with the kids, or having a big prayer session; I have always been learning something. The community is just as engaging. The leaders down to the student missionaries are very passionate about this process. The leaders interact with us as if they are learning this with us, and the student missionaries have this fire that is very contagious. I am very excited and inspired of the people here in the training program. This is a great start...
Hi there ! My name is Jana Nel, I am 22 years old and my hometown is in Johannesburg. I studied law for 4 years and I have been waiting about 4 years to start my Global Journey with Jesus. I am so happy that 2020 is finally the year to travel, serve and love the nations, although I do not believe that these things happen only in the nations, we can love and serve wherever we find ourselves. I am looking forward to cultivate a lifestyle of simplicity and freedom with Jesus, getting re-rooted into what really matters. So...