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Plans Change, He Stays The Same

How blessed are we to serve to a God of mysteries. Not only does it keep things interesting (to say the least), but it teaches us to constantly surrender all our worries over to him and trust Him with it all .   We had such favor at the Macedonian Embassy in the first week of our stay in Turkey whilst applying for our visas, we were sure they would be approved.    Lesson 1 - do not rest your trust in things of this earth.   When returning to the embassy 2 weeks later (on Tuesday the 22 March),...
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Father knows best..

Sooo in training we learned about us being predestined. I had so many questions, how when, where, can it be??? Then Jesus just came and went : oh my child let me just show you...  You know God being a Father and having such a sense of humour...  He loves to surprise you and He surly loves it to make you stand in awe of what He is doing.  GOD    In so many ways He had shown me all the times I took steps and He directed them.    The journey that I am on at this moment with...
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Turkey - confronted by blessings

On the fourth of march we arrived in Istanbul, a city with about 10 million people. By God's grace we found a very cheap hostel right in the centre between the famous mosque "Hagia sophia" and the sea (Bosporus)! Already at this place we experienced the hospitableness and kindness of turkish people, just amazing! A week later we arrived in Izmir. For the first time in my life I saw Christian believers worshipping God in an underground church! An incredible experience! So many different nations, but all having the same father! A completely filled church! A lot of joy!! Our...
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Excuse me, can I help you?

Excuse me, can I help you?
How can you try to explain Turkey in words? Everything that has happened here was just one amazing journey. I can literally see God's hand in every place that we've been to. From our first day in Istanbul God has started the journey with me to show me what true humility is and make me realize again that this year is not about me.    It was such a nice experience to get to know the turkish people and their culture. The people in Turkey are probably the most giving group of people I've ever met. Every time you would...
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Times flies when your having Turkey

Wow... its how I can sum Turkey up... wow... Jesus you made Your pressence known, You came and show me what it is like to love your neighbour as yourself, you have blessed me in abundance. You have blown my mind and captivated my heart. 
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Wait!!!! Who am I??

This is a done deal!! Jesus is in me and I am in Him. This is who I am!! I am everything God said me to be. I don't need to search for it, I don't need to do something to get it. He already gave it all to me with the cross. All I need to do is release it! Release God in me trough His Holy Spirit.   
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He Called, I Answered.

There is something liberating about sitting on a rooftop of a hostel in Istanbul, looking over the chaotic puzzle of buildings and busy people with Amanda Cook's 'Wonder' pumping through my earphones. What a time to be alive. Staying only a stones-throw away from the Blue Mosque, waking up with a view of the Ayasofia every morning and walking through Istanbul in my identity in Christ - literally walking around with our identity scribbled on a piece of paper stuffed in our shoes - I was constantly reminded by Him that I was called for such a time as this....
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Hidden World in The World

And just like that we were saying our good bye's and getting on a plane, watching South Africa disappear beneath us and bidding it farewell for the next 8 months. Hidden World is officially in the nations. It still seems unreal to us. 8 weeks ago we couldn't imagine ourselves sitting on the roof of a hostel in Istanbul overlooking the Ayasophia and Blue Mosque just as the sun goes down, yet here we are having explored as much of Istanbul as possible and having eaten enough free Turkish Delight in the markets to not have to spend money on...
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Its all about You Jesus!

I'm standing knee deep, but im out where i've never been before. If you would have asked me 2 months ago if im ready to go out to the nations and serve, i would have said yes!! If you ask me 1 month ago i would have said no!! if you would ask me now, my answer will be, I trust in God that i am ready for i cant do anything without Him. For it is not about me and what i am going to do but it is all about the Father and His Son. My purpose is...
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On your marks...GO

6 weeks ago my family and friends asked if I was ready and my answer: YES of course. I bought a new headlight which is now lost and a two man kids, green tent which I have discovered is not waterproof. 1 week of training left and now I know I'm not ready. I've realized though that God didn't call me to be ready but willing. I am just in awe that God has chosen me to be a prologue in his story of pursuit for a nation. So ready or not, Jesus is starting a love revival in the hearts...
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