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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...


The word radical is defined as the relating to, or affecting of, the fundamental nature of something. Training has been exactly that. Radical. My understanding of God's love has been radically overthrown - actually my understanding of love in general to be heart has been radically taken over by a love that we as sinners don't deserve, I have been radically affected by grace, I've had radical encounters and I've been radically changed. The past 7 weeks can not be put into words. Mostly because my thoughts and ideas are all over the place, but also because they have...
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What do you mean it's not about me?

Wait! What? This is not about me?    So I am selfish. Done. That's it. What else is left to say? Listen to this sentence - it tells you values that Global Challenge decided on. We share the Good news to a world in need. Guess what I concentrated on. Yup, good guess! The 'we'-part.  Luckily I can promise you this: God will reveal unto you if in anything you are otherwise (than what He wants) minded (Phil 3:15). Because He is faithful to His word, He came to show me how absolutely selfish I am. I started realizing how...
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Where do I begin..

Well where do I begin... The past few weeks have been crazy fun, hard, good days and bad days... The first week we got the connect with everyone...2nd week going on a "camping trip" that ended up to be 5 days in the bush with only the clothes on our backs and playing games to win some food...3rd week we are joining the school camp and having some fun with the kids from there we are building the road for the GLA School..week 4 and we are leaving for the Transkei to serve the people and give LOVE to the...
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Training went so fast!

Welcome to my first blog!  We had the privilege to experience a lot during the training time, but I just want to share two of my highlights. The survival week was one of my favourite times in traning. The fact that we had every day challenges against the other teams to get food changed my thinking about it, we should be thankful for our daily dishes and it is a privilege to have enough to eat. I enjoyed my teammates and the fact that we did everything together as a team. Luke 10- journey: We had the task to travel...
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Training almost over... adventure awaits!

Dear friends,  We have now only one week of Training in Jbay left, on the 3rd of march we will take a plane from Johannesburg to Turkey. I'm really excited to meet new people, get to know a new country, new culture, etc.  The last days in training has been a big blessing for us, we could join amazing sessions and had failureship together.  I also get to know some Germans of the organization "christian surfers", who joined us for some evening sessions. It feels like the world is so small :) It seems like more and more people from...
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Getting fit for the race!

Getting fit for the race!
 It's been an incredible 6 weeks of traing in J-bay, Transkei, Cape Town and all over the Eastern Cape. I've met amazing young people and we've become true brothers and sisters over this few past weeks, learning more about our purpose, ourselves and God. My heart is being transformed by the passion and freshness of Holy Spirit working inside. I've realised that by allowing transformation and welcoming change, your vision gets clearer and your perspective gets stretched. Which has been such a wonderful process for me in this time of training. My eyes have been opened to see little miracles...
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Learning... Growing... Living!

Learning... Growing... Living!
Wow. That's how I feel about the past weeks of training. It has been some of the most amazing times I've experienced in my life. God just came and surprised me every single day. And the people here, now my family, are all so incredible.  My life is currently being updated by God. He is working and teaching me more about Him and about life. The things I've learned and experienced during training is far more than what I could ever have imagined happening.  I'm excited to see what God has in-store for each one of us this year. 
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