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Back in the past

From Israel coming, arriving in Russia is like traveling at least 30 years back into the past. In Israel where WIFI is everywhere available, even on public buses or on beaches, it was hard to find one place with WIFI in Russia. Comfortable 2 level trains in Israel vs  old overcrowded underground trains in Russia, where it's almost impossible to get a seat…. People in need are hungry for the Gospel! Although the most people can't speak any English, we could sense their hunger for more. And: “happy are those who are persecuted for they do what God requires; for...
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Rushing Through Russia

After spending more or less 3 weeks in both Turkey and Israel, it almost seemed a bit of a steal to only spend 10 days in Russia, but what a full 10 days it was.   After spending the whole day practicing our drama in the Ben Gurion airport in Israel and waking up at 3:30am to check in at the airline counter, it's needless to say we were far from fully functioning by the time we landed in Moscow that afternoon. Two busses and 3 trains later, we arrived at the hosts house to be greeted by the information...
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We are His bride - A letter from Israel

Israel has been a life changing country for me. The first week when we hiked the Gospel trail along the Sea of Galilee, I had a few moments where I felt so down, discouraged and afflicted. Experiencing Israel in that way by roughing it up  and camping wherever we ended up and cooking on our own gas stove was a challenge, but something I will never regret. I experienced God in such a humble and down to earth way.  God stripped me of everything I was still relying on, like associating comfort, security and peace with my environment and circumstances....
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Started from the bottom now we're here.

Started from the bottom now we're here.
   Israel oh Israel, you were such a interesting country. We arrived here not knowing where we are going, but God took me on one incredible journey. I was in for a big surprise when I thought that Israel was just a boring country full of people stuck in history.    In our first week I hit rockbottom, we had some really tough times and I started to miss home a lot. But I learned that it's only when you hit rockbottom that you realize that God is the rock. Luckily we all made it through that first week, and...
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One thing we experienced in an abundance during the last three weeks was how God loves to provide every single thing we needed. And sometimes even more than only our needs but even what we desired without any real need for it. God as our provider. This may sound familiar for you - so it was for me as well - because I heard a lot of teachings about this. But to experience his love and care for me in a daily way was something totally different. It was and is just mindblowing!!! Here are some examples: On the sea...
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I Pray That God Ruins Your Life This Year

"Something will grow from what you are going through. That thing will be you." - Unknown Someone very dear to my heart prayed in training that God would ruin my life on this journey. Only now that God took the challenge do I understand what she meant by that. Our month in Israel has been some of the hardest yet most beautiful days of my life. God broke down walls in my heart that without me even realizing, were keeping Him out more than they were anyone else. He filled these gaps with love and innocence, moulding me and shaping...
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Irreplaceable Israel

One month ago, we sat/lay on the floor of Ben Gurion Int. Airport not knowing what to expect from Israel and having no idea what lay ahead. Today we sit in the same airport, wearing the same clothes as when we arrived (washed, of course) but our hearts are completely changed.   To put our Israel experience into words would be a great injustice as there are not nearly enough words in the English vocabulary to explain each one in detail.   Israel in a nutshell from each one of our teammates looks a little something like this:   David...
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There is so much more

There is so much more
Imagine a hiking trip that follows the trail of all the places where Jesus performed his miracles and doing it with 10 other spirit filled people, well this is how the 4 day trip started... We received 25 fish right out of the Sea of Galilee from a local and while we waited for our self-proclaimed fishermen to clean and gut them, we tried to cook beans which ended up taking TWO days to soften. So with fish flopping in packets, beans soaking in a ziplock packet and a rubbish bag over my backbag because of the rain, we began...
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Expect the Unexpected

  One of the reasons why I applied for “work your way” was definitely Israel. After a view weeks of Training in South Africa, there was no leader and too many young guys in the “work your way” team.. God had different plans for me. I prayed and decided to join “Hidden World”, the only team which doesn't go to Israel. :( So I prayed that God will make a way to go to Israel. And the last days of training the opportunity for our team to go to Israel was given. So our team prayed and we decided to...
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God's blessings in the promised land

Everything began at the aiport in Tel aviv on saturady - sabbath - with no public transportations... So we prayed in small groups and got this vers: 'This is my command - be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.' Joshua 1:9. Perfect vers to hitchhike to the see of galilee! What a great experience!  Six days full of hiking and God's blessings through free bananas, grapefruits, 25 fishes and bread made this definitely my highlight!  This week showed us that God is really with us and...
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