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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Love is greater then all

My name is Thulani its  been good hearing the word of God this week I really enjoy it now I can tell people about love .that is my goal in life is to tell people about God.
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posting my firts blog in ocean basket white a beautifull ocean view

On a beautifull day in J-Bay in Ocean Basket making my first ever blog with some brothers an sisters next to an amazing view of the ocean feesting ons some delicious food.
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Chile-A Dream come true!

Chile-A Dream come true!
Chile - Dreams come true Surprise Waka waka .. back in 2010 Soccer world cup we watched Uruguay vs Chile. Dressed up in red white and blue we chanted CHI CHI CHI LE LE LE Viva Chile! The dream was born. I wanted to visit the chili shaped country called CHILE! 4 years later deciding which Global Challenge Journey to choose I remembered how much I wanted to go to Chile and so the decision was easy... Hidden Worlds journey to South America. We got the planned itinerary ... No Chile! Not that I could complain with 14 countries jam...
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Paraguay for the Home Run

Paraguay for the Home Run
To conclude our 8 month journey through South America we made a complete circle and returned to tropical green jungles with mango trees, red sand and rain storms. Here in Aragua they greet you with a fist pump, speak the Guarani language and give a profound "Amen y amen" at the end of prayers and church services. It is awesome to see what a huge percentage of church service time goes into prayer/conversation with God. After all, Jesus declared in Matt 21:13, "My house will be called a house of prayer." We were under the loving care of Belen and...
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Argentina: A Spanish Luke 10

Argentina: A Spanish Luke 10
Luke 10 stories are bound to be interesting stories always. The fact of the matter in this case was: A group of 3 people going into a foreign, Spanish speaking country for 7 days without money, transport, food or a plan, except trusting God for Devine appointments along the way. How can you not see God's hand working in a time like this, where you have to trust Him for everything? When we are weak, He is strong. In Salta we said chao to the rest of the Hidden World group and with an excitement/slight nervousness inside we started hitchhiking...
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Chile: Faith Journey to the Max

Chile: Faith Journey to the Max
Our plan (man's plan) was to go to Bolivia to serve at a church there. We were prepared and ready for ministry, just like the rest of the year...but we encountered visa problems at the border. After searching God's guidance in prayer, He directed our paths towards Chile...unknown territory for the team in more than one way. In times like these you realize God send you on this journey as a leader for times like these...recklessly trusting Him to come through for you and your team when you have nothing secure to hold on to accept His promises of never...
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Peru: Llama Me Now!

Peru: Llama Me Now!
As we entered Peru after a daunting 56 hour bus ride through Ecuador, we left the tropics behind for miles and miles of desert coastline. Oom Hendrik and Tannie Ronel, 2 South African missionaries, welcomed us into their safe haven home with their playful, black hairless puppy, Ruby, to get some much needed rest before starting our busiest ministry point of the year in Trujillo. Wow, what a warm welcome we received from pastor Abner, Kelly and the Peregrino church with a big SA flag welcome banner, a slide show which made us proud to be South African and many...
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Columbia: Avos, Coconut Ice Cream and a Fractured Finger

Columbia: Avos, Coconut Ice Cream and a Fractured Finger
After a few weeks in the Caribbean it was time to return to the mainland of South America. Columbia stretches in diversity from high Andes mountain ranges, to coffee farms to tropical beaches. Our time in Columbia was equally diverse as it started with the much anticipated parent visit in Bogota and Cartagena, moving into a backpacker challenge from Cartagena to Santa Marta, ministry in the hot, tropical coastal town of Santa Marta and finishing off in the much cooler Fusagasuga mountain town. The parents visit was a time of exploring, relaxing, story telling and being showered with love, affirmation...
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INFORME MEMORIA 2015   De: Carlos Daniel Vásquez Shuña A: Global Challenge Fecha: Lima, 04 de noviembre2015 Referencia: En todos estos 23 años he servido junto a mis padres en mi país en los diferentes lugares como costa sierra y selva según  el Señor nos haya enviado y en enero de este año 2015 empecé con una petición en la cual oraba y buscaba de Dios, pasando tiempo en su presencia con el deseo de que el tuviera el control de mi vida y le clamaba a Dios que me utilizara según su voluntad. Le decía que no importaba lo...
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From: Carlos Daniel Vasquez Shuña

To: Global challenge

Date: Lima 05 of November of 2015


 In all this 23 years I was serve God with my parents in my country in the deferent places like la coast, mountains and jungle according to the will of God in January of this year I stared the year with a petition in which I prayed and looking for God, expending time in his presence with the desire that him can have the control of my life and I was asking that he can use me in his will I said he that does not matter whatever the  things that he could ask me I told him: lord you know how I am, I give you all the areas of my life I give you my dreams, my family and my desires to be  thrived.

It was there where I had the opportunity to go to South Africa and for the trip in between Brazil and South Africa God was colleen me to the missions and I was not disobedient



Hi Anna marie Franklin, Annamie Havenga, Willem Taute, Elsabe, i greet you in the precious name of Jesus.

I am thankful for the opportunity to serve God in the missions.




It was a time of CULTURAL ENRICHMENT be part of a compact team perfecting the very basic English the I had ,one thing make an impact in my life was it the prayer room.


Joe she is amazing, the pastor Criss that have a service heart.


I star to meet my friends in the church 337 they are a very friendly and special people that they became my family, also I stared to know Criss   my Leader was a blessing for me. In BELEN I get a challenge of translate English to Portuguese tow languishes that almost star enrichment myself but I struggled to trust in God because my relationship was not strong but God taught me that everything that he made is perfect so I was in the will of God but I needed to know him.



The pastors Joe and Monica, the pastors Matias and Hanna, the pastors Ronaldo Pacheco his wife and his sons Juan Paulo and Andres, Julia and Samuel, Tiago and taty   


Lucas Gabriel Luisa


Carlos Pastor David Danilo Silvio


God worked personally with my life my friends died was a pen full I wanted to relinquish, I asked God to help and it happened a miracle with myself God healed my heart he pulled out my sadness my relationship with God stared to be more strong since that time.



I stared to enjoy God in different way because in ours individual devotional God was tall us and teach us in different ways the same lection. God confirmed to me that I am in the right time and the right place providing my visas and exit of this country also in that time I could open my heart and stared to trust in the team sharing my testimony.


Deoram Timram


I saw the grace of God over me because despite to not knowing fluent English I I ministered the life of others and learned that God is faithful.


I took 4 days for star to speak fluently Spanish, I saw how God bless the persevering people, that the poverty is only in the mind, appreciate the things however insignificant be and I get a precious Cuban family    


Rosalia Jorge Enrrique Betsaida Arturo  Emilio Jenifer Jesica Margarita



My perspective changed I understood the power of the prayer, how grow in the team the friendship in between the men star to be strong.



Was an amazing experience because I met the parents of my friends and observed the parents met them sons powerful in faith.

We accepted a challenge when we saw the glory of God I was enjoying the challenge with Nicola and Pierre we learned that God have the control in everything

I star to know God in different way


Juan his wife and Maria


Visited my family made happy my heath and teach my culture to my friends was amazing

I saw that the people of my country they have a service heart and my culture in one of the most   diverse of the world

I learned that be obedient to God is the base for be blessed


My family, the pastors of my church the presbyter Emiliano Crisanto and Kely Zabaleta


Be dreamed places made happy my heart but been in places that I never dream change the way that I trust in God. I saw how God provided even in the slightest, we were a big blessing in the community, cleaning and repairing homes also planting trees God used us blessing helping the people that have different abilities and God restored my heart.


My Chilean family David, Nataly, Johan and David also the pastor René and his wife lily


I was learning to give the control to God and also that when God want to teach you something and in the short time he use the difficult situations was the adventure of luck 10.  I spent time with Koite-Alet and Valery God was in control and made us grow in different areas of our lives  


I learned how is to have new strength through God and you cannot get nothing by strength by wisdom everything that you have is by la mercy of God

I received this lesson Mateo 6: 33

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

And now I understood


Dieter Raquel Alex Sheyla Karen Sara Omar Aidaelizabeth ArmiClaudia the pastor Miguel his daughter Belen


I express my gratitude to our God I give the all the glory and honor because he was faithful, provider, teacher, healer my friend, I said thanks him because he gave me   the opportunity to be part of this family Koite-Alet, Lisa- Mary, Elsje, Marie, Marly, Jahna, Valery, Coleen, Cheralda, Dánica, Criss, Curtis, Nicola, Pierre y Henk that we share unforgettable experiences thank for enrich in English and in yours cultures really they have a special place in my heart thanks to my family and my friends.



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