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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Now Faith in action

The hand of God was upon us as soon as we arived in Mexico. This is how now faith work's God give us a word that we will see his hand when we get to Mexico as we got their God contacted us with a pastor and he invited us to his church so we got their not knowing what will happen and where we will sleep. So first God put a pastor and our path and he provided a place to stay for us we got to church to serve and we did not straggly for anything. We where...
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Adventurous Loving

Adventurous Loving
There's five months left, and I am not the same person I was. I've been overseas for three months. It sounds so little, I almost can't believe it, because it feels so long. Someone asked me my testimony the other day. And I said something that stays with me. When I was in my second year, I asked God: There must be more than this, God? Doing school, studying, getting a job, getting married, having children... you know? Just doing the same everybody does. There has to be more! There is more to life: it's called love. Love is being...
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Dark Roast

Writing in Ethiopia wasn't easy, initially. It could be there was too much to write and think about. Reading on the other hand has been a joy, or maybe it was just the quality of the books. I finished Shantaram which I regard highly. And now, 'Into the wild' is leaving a mark. I guess if you aren't writing, you might as well read. Alchemist is next in the line-up. Some say it is a moving combination - Shantas, Into the Wild and the Alchemist- in that order.    "Sometimes we see the past so clearly, and read the legend...
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I am Speechless

I am Speechless
We didn't plan anything for Mexico. We didn't do anything to ever deserve anything. It was literally just being obedient to what God told us to do. We came on this year knowing that we want to serve. We wanted to become the least, as Jesus did. But instead we got encouraged for what we are doing this year. It was really like: I am only being obedient. And they were like: you are being obedient!!! Actually I wish being obedient to God was not so much unknown to the world. Why are we surprised when Christians are being obedient?...
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A 25 hour day  We departed from Havana, Cuba at 10 am and landed in Mexico, Cancun at 10 am with a 1 hour flight. This is how we experienced a 25 hour day.  Some background information, we travelled for 17 hours on a truck/ bus from Santiago to Havana in the heat with our knees around our ears and sandwiches packed! We slept at the airport, leaving the comforts, security and love for our Cuban hosts behind and entering the UNKNOWN. The host unknown, the plan unknown, the nation unknown. What we do KNOW is that God is with...
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God is the gardener

God is the gardener
If practise makes perfect then it is safe to say I am an ever improving gardener!  We have spent a lot of time in gardens, pulling out weeds, clearing rubble and planting new plants. This humbling work has taught me a few things which have so much symbolism to how God is working in my heart and the hearts of the team! It brings so much joy to see the vision of the gardener before we start, there are weeds everywhere, rocks in the wrong place and some plants dominating most of the space. The gardener looks at the garden...
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Gracias Cuba

Gracias Cuba  You welcomed us with open arms,just to be here was a blessing, meeting people, making friends,fellowship with the young people learning Spanish. What I learned in Cuba it's that its important to have a relationship with God and the people. Jesus is asking do you love me?If you do then feed my lambs,take care of my sheep. So my time in Cuba was about fellowship with the body of Christ and with unbelievers so that thy can be drown to God's Love. And we saw that.  
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Global Run Asia

Global Run Asia
Global Run Asia will start in July 2016 in Thailand. We will assist children with running training, equipment and also be involved in their personal lives and family lives. Our Vision : reaching the children of Thailand with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through sport,  and planting a church in that community through relationships, events and discipling. We have seen how lives of children change trough this running program, and we would like to get more involve, adding the gospel of Jesus to this environment. Follow us   through this journey on our blogs, or contact me on my email...
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Once upon a time in Cuba

Lets travel back in time and go to Cuba. My mind was blown when we got off at the airport in Havana after a 13h flight from Russia. The streets were filled with very old cars from way back. With a killing heat, no toilet paper and no english speaking people we started our time in Cuba.    I thought we were going to Cuba to build,  work in gardens and to serve the people there. Few did I know about what was waiting for me. First of all the pizza's is like R5 and the ice creams R0,50... Crazy!...
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There's more to Cuba than its affordable calories

There's more to Cuba than its affordable calories
If I could use three words to describe Cuba, it would be Chevrolets, ice cream and pizza. Chevrolets, because 90% of the cars in Cuba are old, vintage Chevy's driving up and down the colourful streets, giving it a 60's vibe with golden oldies playing on the radios of these vintage vehicles. Ice cream, because every 10 meters down the street there’s an ice cream parlour selling ice cream for 1 Peso, which is 50c in SA. Same sell scoops and others soft serve, nevertheless it’s cheap and a life saver on those hot, Cuban summer days. And pizza, because...
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