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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Pioneering a numb heart.

I have come to the conclusion that man has been made comfortably numb by the world. And our flesh is chronically addicted to the feeling of not feeling.  Every thing the world throws our way, provokes us to harden our hearts, to close our eyes, to look away. Because sometimes your heart and soul can not handle feeling the brokenness  the world brings across your path. So we decide to become numb, because not feeling is easier than feeling. But this state of numbness come with terrible side-effects, which is in favor of the enemy. Because a numb heart can...
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Come out of your box

I'm out from my comfort zone, So that the Lord can reach his people though us. I was Called by him and I am his and his word shall spring fourth and shall not return void back to him. His word is out no one can stop it. Except you if you don't obey so stand up for God now
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  Home, is where I want to be, but I guess I'm already there. - Jerusalem, Israel. March 2016   Where better to start a spirit-led/filled journey than in Israel? The heart of where our freedom, once foretold, now forever living in and through us. Considering the year journey that is ahead and the preparation we have already been through, I stood in awe at the panoramic view that would be ours for the next 3 days and nights. Old City Jerusalem, you beauty. On the rooftop of the Citadel Hostel, we pitched our tents. I couldn't think of a...
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In Awe of God

My journey started a few months ago, when God started to speak to me about a small country called Nepal. A few weeks later I found myself in this country of Mount Everest, Hinduism, and a Nation which really likes to strike against everything… And in the midst of all this God arranged an encounter with a crazy South African Team from Global Challenge. Some weeks later while I still was ministering in Nepal God started speaking to me about the faith-journey this Team was doing and four weeks later I found myself in this beautiful town called Jeffreys Bay...
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Ke Nako

"I wonder what sort of tale we've fallen into?" - J.R.R. Tolkien (The Lord of the Rings)   Now I've never read the books or even watched all of 'The Lord of the Rings' - something I do regret. Nonetheless, like the quote above, I too wonder what kind of life we have stumbled upon these past 7 weeks...   I came across this quote from a book I started reading at the beginning of training - the preparation before journey for Global Challenge. The book is titled 'Epic', by John Eldredge. Looking back I realize how symbolic the book...
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The Schengen

A few weeks ago, team Explore Africa went on our first journey together. A road trip to Cape Town from Jeffrey's, to get our Schengen visas. Looking back, what a beautiful tale it turned into - the trial, and more profoundly, the triumph. Our plan was simple and easy and we seemed pretty prepared for it all.   - Make a team video along the way and get it out there. ( YouTube: Explore Africa 2016 - Global Challenge) - Spontaneously stop at Map of Africa (Wilderness), which would prove symbolic of this and future adventures - unpredictable - Braai...
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Oh when the Reds...

"Oh when the Reds..." is the war cry that sounded as the Red team - my red team - marched in for our last challenge of survivor during week 2 of training. If you had asked any student 4 days earlier what their take was on training, or Global Challenge for that matter, that theory would most probably have imploded, and rightly so. Survivor came as a shock to us all, having all the tests required for inconvenient circumstances.    A box of matches, a knife and one sleeping bag - the 3 luxury items permissible, that we as the...
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Become the prayer

Become the prayer
6 Weeks ago I arrived at training as a volunteer. Ready to serve the students with everything I have.   Little did I know I would be climbing on a plane in a few weeks leading the Hidden world 2016 team for 11 months through more than 16 countries in the middle east, central and south america on the transforming adventure of a life time.   So how did this all happen?   In Red moon rising by Pete Greig he writes,  Prayer is not primarily about changing things somewhere out there. It is first and foremost about changing something...
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Love is greater than all

I just love to be in the Glory of God because he is Love I really enjoyed this week 
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Change of heart.

6 weeks ago, if people asked me, why are you doing Global Challenge. My answer would have typically been something in the line of: "I am determined to find God and revelation" or "I want to take my relationship with God deeper and gain wisdom and favor" or even "I want to change the world". Those are typically seen as a pretty honorable answers to the question. Well at least that is what I thought, but never have I been so wrong... After hearing stories, surviving a couple of days in the bush, building a road, trekking the Transkei, Luke...
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