"If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done" Thomas Jefferson So here I am. I stand on the brink of a year filled with what one can only describe as an adventure only to find over the last three months I've experienced much of exactly that. New levels of faith, love, exceptance and solid lessons to point us in the right direction . Firstly, I found myself as an only child drop kicked to the deep end and forced to live between 15 men. I've been so loved by...
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Participant Blogs
Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...
Over the past month my world has been flipped upside down! Things I thought I knew, I realized I had no understanding of. One of these concepts was love. It mentions in 1 Cor 13 how important love is and all of its fruits of it such as kindness and patience. This is the type of love my heart so longed for and desperately wanted but unfortunately I found myself falling back into the old, cheesecake type of love. This type of love is cheap, doesn’t last long and only speaks with words and not actions. It was a...
The Lord brought me into the light of a lot of exposure during the course of this past year. And many times I stood in a valley of decision. I had the choice to let the exposure pass me by as an experience that looks cool in my instagram pictures, or I could grab it by the horns and ride it all the way into wisdom canyon. This is a pretty metaphor to describe the sometimes seemingly ugly process we’ve all been in, of struggling with questions and finding their answers. It’s usually a more painful and tormenting process. I...
Durante mi estadia en Uganda tuvimos la oportunidad de aplicar DBS (Discovery Bible Study) dentro de la comunidad y uno de los temas que me llamo la atencion fue la parabola del hijo prodigo. Todos conocemos esta parabola , trata sobre un hijo que sale de casa con su herencia y producto de sus malas decisiones termina cuidando cerdos. Esta persona reconoce su condicion y decide regresar a la casa de su Padre pero con la intencion de volverse un siervo. Conversaba con una amiga sobre esta historia y le hice esta pregunta ¿Te consideras hija o sierva de Dios...
I’m sitting in a mini bus between bags and my team mates(family really) on our way to our last country for this year and its absolutely crazy! I am completely caught up thinking about everything that Jesus did this year. I really just want to weep and laugh at the same time - He did more than I could EVER explain in words, He changed every single part of me. He gave me more than I could ever asked for. Jesus showed me how to take everything in even if there is just two weeks left. Sure, I miss...
We talk a lot about trusting God and embracing Him no matter the circumstance, but when push comes to shove is that really our response? The last few months I have been praying a prayer: “God, I want to be a woman of faith. Would you expand my faith and what I can handle, that I may know and trust you more? Create in me a heart of faith and a confidence in You that is unshakeable!” I have been asking Jesus to take my faith to new depths for MONTHS!!! And to be honest, I had sort of come...
I can't describe how good God is to each one of us. (LUKE 10 JOURNEY) I woke up with a different kind of joy than I ever have, and I just couldn't stop talking to God about this joy I was experiencing. This particular morning was unique, it was not ordinary. Almost as if it were a super supernatural day. It was quite unorthodox as nothing quite significant really had happened throughout the last 24 hours. Sarah, Jo's wife whom was one of our people of peace, took me by the hand and said "market". I hopped onto the back of...
Greetings my King. Thinking back on the life changing things that happened during the year, mesmerized with the feeling of nostalgia as I project myself back to those beautiful places where life grasped me by the hand and tugged me into the divinity of His beautiful creation. I look back to the times where I learnt to appreciate the smell of fresh air, the sound of birds chirping, glorious white gold and feeling cold without an air con. Times like these. Adventure and a lust for life developed within the deepest parts of my entire being. The passion of being...
Dear Jesus, I adore You, I stay in awe and wonder of whome You are, what You have done for me, How much You loved me even before I was born, the way You always stand with open arms to hold me tight. You are there when I am in a bad situation, You are there in the joy and good times, You gide my steps for me, You keep me warm when life is cold, You are the light in my darknes. You sent me a helper to always stay with me, to guide me, to teach me, to...
On this path we call life, many times there are mountains that we have to climb. Often it feels like these mountains are too big to conquer. Most of us want people to see us in a certain way. I wanted people to look at me and see someone that is consistent and able to take on any challenge. It is easy to act like I can take on any challenge when things are going well. The problem is that, in the past 2 months, some mountains have suddenly appeared and planted itself right in front of me. Leadership from home told us...