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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

An Amateurs Isaiah 53

An Amateurs Isaiah 53
How could I have known Our King looked normal Nothing was special about Him I thought Bruised and beaten "He brought it upon Himself" While all along He got broken So I could be whole "No one knows my pain" He knew it first-hand He knew pain until death It was my pain He was punished Now I can have peace It was what God had in mind all along To crush Him with pain He looked death in the face And didn't flinch The thought of me Made Him endure I have access to the Spirit Because He exposed...
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Halfway through

Meeting pastor Bill was so amazing, just hearing his testimony speaking on radio telling people about our journey and what God has done for us in our lives. I will not forget Panama, it was a blessing to be there. All the things we did praying for people to be healed in prison and going out to the street to also pray and share the gospel to the people. Also parents visit a relaxing time also. But for me God has changed my personality because now I'm able to speak and to express myself and not to be shy or...
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The African Dream

The African Dream
"However far the stream flows, it never forgets its source" -- Yoruba proverb As soon as the plane lifted, I missed it. I longed for it. I thirsted for it. And then I placed it aside, because 8 more months was waiting for me and I needed to let it go... Africa, my beautiful Africa. Africa, the place where time does not matter, where earthly possessions has little to do with worth, where smiles are highlighted white, where laughter is the universal language, where grown ups dance and children run, rivers flow and skies become alive. It was in a...
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The Ragamuffin Gospel.

There's a lot of plagiarism involved in this piece. I hope you enjoy it. For starters, the title. Ever since I've read the book, The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning, I've been itching to use the word ragamuffin. I only hope it fits well with the context below. "In going where you have to go, and doing what you have to do, and seeing what you have to see, you dull and blunt the instrument you write with. But I would rather have it bent and dulled and know I had to put it on the grindstone again and hammer...
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Panama is definately one of my top countries that I wanted to re-visit after last years journey through Latin America.  I didn't think I would be able to come back so quickly but wow what a privilege. I can think of many reasons to rush back to Panama; the beautiful rainforrest of Gamboa, staying right on the Panama Canal, sloths, tucans, anteaters and iguanas roaming the streets but the real reason I wanted to go back was for the people of Gamboa Union Church especially Pastor Bill.     God did so much in my heart in Panama last year...
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Best Trade Ever

Best Trade Ever
I am tired of fighting with my flesh! My flesh is so strong. I really understand the verse: The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak - Matt. 26:41. I will sit in a praise and worship session and struggle to get myself to enter into God's presence. I know I want to be there, I know I will meet God there, but it takes so much effort to get there. I am so tired of it! I just want my flesh to die now! I am tired of failing in laying myself down and keep on serving others....
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God gives relationship advice

God gives relationship advice
Obviously in this year God not only teaches me about Himself in my life, but He teaches me His heart towards different aspects in my life. For example, my husband. As a girl I had a list, a very unfair list, about my husband. He had to love family, want children, be a business man, earn a lot of money, etc. Now my list changed to this: He has to be a man of God. Everything will turn out for the best if this is a truth, because if he searches for God's will then he will find it. Because...
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Panama Country #11

Panama Country #11
I love Panama! This place is just too good to be true. Pastor Bill and his wife Anne are definitely treasures who God placed on earth to shed some light on His kind of love. Awesome story: The church has a sign saying "God loves Tourists". Pastor Bill has a lot of testimonies about how 'random' backpackers or other tourists would come to church at service. We have been doing the coolest things  here. Panama is in holiday season and is known for it's diverse nature. It's packed with scientists and photographers (Germans, Aussies, Asians). Yesterday on my run I...
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Children are Golden

Children are Golden
We do not get to choose how we start out in life. We do not get to choose the day we are born or the family we are born into, what we are named at birth, what country we are born in, and we do not get to choose our ancestry. -Konyenikan Hidden World was in Costa Rica the past 10 days. We were hosted by Teen Challenge. It is an organisation that focuses on rehabilitation for drug addicts and prostitution. It has intensive Bible courses and support. Teen Challenge is spread over the world. God told the organisation in...
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You lead me where where my trust is without borders

You lead me where where my trust is without borders
You lead me to where my trust is with out borders, literally God lead me for the past 42 days over 7 countries with hardly any money or contacts. God prepared the way so long ago and with an ear to hear His voice. We saw His plans come to life by steping in obedience. God was the plan and there was no plan B. Graham Cooke says - there is absolutely no security in what God is doing... He does life different everyday, speaks in different ways and you can never put Him down to our comfortable 1, 2,...
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