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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Family - it's a lifestyle

This year...this team...this journey I recalled watching the story of Rend Collective Experiment's new album.   "What we've learned is that faith is all about risk and adventure. Those who make a difference in the world is risk takers. We as a church are never meant to be a timid and huddled up club looking for safety but a pilgrim family in progress of chasing after the wild lion heart of God. The Holy Spirit moves the most when we move out of our comfort zones and into the world where the need is great and where we can build...
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If you are bored, I carry good news! You have not yet discovered it. Do you find yourself compromising good to find excitement at your expense? Secretly you must know you are not from here?
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Daily Dependence

Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done.  -C.S.Lewis-  My journey with dependence started in our previous country-India. I realized I found it difficult to rely on people to help me with certain things. If I was able to do things on my own I would not need any help from anyone. Another example was that in India the ladies were not allowed to walk alone in the streets. This challanged me so much as I was now dependent on a guy to go anywhere. This frustrated me so much...
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Ready for an adventure

14 Maart 2017 The vision of Adventure bound is to live ,grow and serve. We love adventure and we are not afraid to risk. We are 6 girls living in one house seeking God's heart and want to learn more and more each day. We will be involved with the Imagine camp- to market it and to attend the camp and serve in whatever capacity needed.  Imagine Camp is for teenagers between 13 - 19 years old. After the Camp we will be serving the Global Challenge Community by helping to complete the 3 log homes. When Uncle Joe prophesied...
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The Journey

The journey of my life. Global Challenge is a journey, but the journey doesn't begin or end there. I have only been on this journey for a month now and I've already had some really exciting, but also some very intence experiences. In this time I have been stretched and challenged, but I am excited to discover and learn more. Last week we had buildig week where we had to serve the children of the school by varnishing and painting the walls of the school. I have never worked like that in my life. It was actually a very difficult...
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Money and Faith- correcting our thoughts on the issue of income

  (This article has valuable insights on thinking about money in general but also has a number of specific references to those who are privileged to work for an NGO/Church/Missions organisation and need to raise monthly support.) As a missionary or volunteer one of the thorniest issues usually represents itself in the question of personal income. Where will I live and what will I eat? The idea of asking other people for money can come across odd, and granted, can be very tricky and sensitive. Some think it is difficult to raise support- and yes, it can have its challenges....
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Final Thoughts

Farther Along Blessed is the man who searches his heart And dares to step out of line He watches the crowds and considers their direction Only he thinks to himself - what a crime - How a man could have accepted lies so undetected Blunting his heart to evil - Linking hope that is deceiving to the truth he believes in His standards have fallen feeble. But give the man a Bells, yes honor him well - He who dares to question All status and quo, along with its' woes - The lies being covered in reflection. Awakened he stands...
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7 weeks. The time we would have leftover once leaving Zanzibar, of which 2 weeks were likely to be dedicated to travel. Not much time.Mozambique. Here we connected with Iris Ministries forming a bond with the other visitors, together engaging in a variety of ministries. Through outreach we visited a village. Labour saw us load and deliver bricks. Widow and hospital ministry had us meet up and pray with the beat and broken. And children's ministry. Many an orphan, infant and older, warmly embraced us and we did our best to return this welcoming. Singing songs and playing games, Iris and...
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For My Good

For My Good
Brazil is insane cool. This must be my favorite place. It is beautiful and we are with a youth group that NEVER leaves. Each night the team thinks we are going to bed earlier (10 pm) and then we hear… the bell. We open the door and person after person walks in. Then we make dinner and most of the times desert is included. They will cheer at anything and loves card games and soccer games and LOVES worshipping. And we get to join in it all. I love the body of Christ. They just want to know the Father...
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1000 Hits

Right? Wrong!

Right? Wrong!
I've been reading a book that challenges me to ruins! It's called Ordinary Radical. Please find it and read it if you can!   I've been thinking a lot about tithing. Why do we put so much emphasis on tithings when Jesus requires our everything? I had to be honest with myself and the reason I tithed many times was out of obligation. Then I have done my part and met His requirements, right? Wrong. God requires our everything. He knows what we give and with what heart. Man, Challenged! The Bible does not speak about tithing a lot. But...
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