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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Breakfast in a hammock

Breakfast in a hammock
    We started Peru off in Iquitos. This is a town in the middle of the Amazon! How did we get there? Well there are no roads to Iquitos only rivers to Iquitos. So your options are boat or plane. We opted to go for a 3 day upriver boat trip from Leticia Colombia.                         This boat trip was so special! We slept in hammocks had no team activities, the boat cooked for us and sailed us up stream for 3 glorious days. We had our meals served to...
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Peru Questions and Answers

Peru Questions and Answers
"Missions within missions." There is no better way to explain Peru. We were in Peru for a month. It started with a boat from Colombia to Iquitos. We went from Iquitos to Lima to the Juncun to Farrenafe to the mountains, Incawasi, to Farrenafe to Lima to Cusco to Machu Picchu to Puerto Matarani to Arequipa to new country: Chile. I think it is safe to say we travelled in Peru and that we had many different ministries and ways of serving. We had school ministry, a church was planted, preaching, school programs, programmes for teachers, dramas, songs, teachings. Even...
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How God worked

How God worked
So many things happened in Peru. I can think of a month full of activities and places to tell you about. But I know that is not what God wants me to tell about. He wants me to write about what He did in my life in Peru. It's actually really funny. Every time people ask me what is my favourite country, the first thing I think of is what God did in every place. My favourite countries are not based on what we did there, but what God did there in me. What did God do in Peru? There's...
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Tanzis and Zanzis

Tanzania needed to deliver something special to come close to the engraving Rwanda left on our hearts. Not that it was ever a competition, but the impact does linger. Some slow start it was to get anything going in Mwanza, located on Lake Victoria. We actually took off well, engaging with the coastal villages and it's many children. From games thought out never to be used, to playing the games unplanned when the situation demanded. This sums up a great deal of our time in Mwanza. Besides the games and children, we lingered, waiting for the next opportunity, occasion or...
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Knowing God through the Creation

Knowing God through the Creation
What makes me feel most alive in life is sunsets and sunrises. It tells me the most about God. It sais He is the creator and that He is very creative. No sunset or sunrise will ever look the same as He decorates the sky with the most extraordinary colours and clouds and scenery under it. It's unique and beautiful, and still God created man and woman and only then creation was complete and "very good". It amazes me how each and every person is more precious than a sunrise or sunset to God. It's constant and trustworthy, just like...
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News: God Hides in Colombia

News: God Hides in Colombia
On 31 July 2016 an Organisation Global Challenge sent a team, Hidden World, to Colombia to find God the Father, alias Provider. On arrival at Bogota the team had to split into two groups for hosting purposes. "Our group had 10 people sleeping in a flat that was designed for 4", commented Ashleigh Smart, the travel executive of Hidden World. They have been in pursuit of God since January 2016. "God prearranged everything and then we stepped into it", said Simon Dilger, the teams second in command. Jeanette Snyders, the public liason of Hidden World, shared information that one of...
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The longest drop

Painting the picture: " Slowly, desolately, the fist of what we'd done unclenched the clawed palm of what we'd become. Anger softened into sorrow, as it always does, as it always must. And no drop of what we'd wanted, just an hour's life before, was as rich in hope and meaning as a single teardrop's fall." (Shantaram) . I imagine this to be the state and feel of Rwanda in 1994 after the genocide. Maybe not entirely at first but slowly, desolately, in time. Thus, a re-awakening of a once tender heart, now marred with bitter resentment. One can't help...
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Thoughts on Rwanda

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow Because He lives, all fear is gone Because I know He holds the future And life is worth the living, just because He lives   As we sing this song in a church in Kigali, my eyes fill with tears and my heart with compassion for the people of Rwanda. Because for them, these words actually carry a lot of weight.   It is hard to think that exactly 22 years ago the streets we are walking at the moment were filled with blood and dead bodies. That there was no security whatsoever...
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Scary Close

Don Miller recently released a book titled, 'Scary Close'. I didn't read it. Still, I was fascinated, intrigued by the sound of it, "scary close". Here is my own summary of what I think/feel about these words. It hasn't really got anything to do with the physical journey we are on, but spiritually and emotionally - those boxes are pretty much ticked. In my previous blog I quoted Hosea 4:6, "my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." My own understanding of this verse has since progressed. In Hebrew context the word 'knowledge' is translated to 'intimacy'. In other words,...
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Romans 5:3-4 but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. I love every process that I am in, because I trust in God! I want to share with you what God is teaching me at the moment. It's profound. I have been putting false security in many things in life. I placed it in friends, and when they weren't there I felt alone. I placed it in money, without it I felt stripped and unable. Without clothes I felt less worthy. Without a car I felt like a nuisance. Without the...
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