I cannot begin to describe what a privilege it has been thus far.. God has been so present with our team and has just planned everything perfectly..
Participant Blogs
Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...
Once I heard someone say these words but I did not understand them. I decided to travel to South Africa with other people. However, during that long trip, a friend asked me: "Are you afraid?" and I said: "I think so, in fact, I do not know what is going to happen in that country but there we go". He answered me saying: "Do not worry, I'm with you, just trust me." That friend made me feel sure, his name is Jesus, yes, the Son of God, the same one who gave me the TRUST to start a new stage...
Hello everyone ! Here am I again with some news of my journey ! I'm writing you from a bus, we are on our way to Peru ! We are driving from Bogota to Chiclayo, a trip of more or less 50 hour ! We left Colombia after 40 days in the country, one of our longest stay ! But luckily we were not just in the same ministry place every time... We stayed a bit in Bogota, then Cartagena, Santa Marta and Fusagasuga ! Let me resume each stay separately : Bogota and Cartagena : We arrived on the...
Faith ??? ( Part 1 ) What is faith? What do they mean when they say : " Take a leap of faith "? Why does it state in Hebrews 11 : " Without faith it is impossible to please Him"? It took me a year to fully grasp what the meaning of faith is. I will share a bit of this journey in Part 2. What I will share with you today is not unknown knowledge. It is more like forgotten knowledge. The world we are growing up in sort of despises it; laughs it off in a way....
weeks??? Why so fast??? Can we come back??? The rime spent in the Middle East has been spectacular! God is showing us his heart for these people. Visits, distribution; gas, pillows, stoves. How can people that need so much basic resources bless us so much???? With peace, joy, love and kindness and a lot of tea. My heart is filled with joy and hope for the rest of the year. Even though you may think that you know something, God always has something to teach us. There's nothing better than to just sit at His feet and listen. Bringing hope...
After about 7 weeks of training in Jbay where I was challenged not only spiritually but also physically and emotionally, we started our journey. Ready to step out in the army of God, ready to be obedient to Him, ready to be spiritually led, we arrived in Kenya. Suddenly I didn't feel so ready any more- the practical side seemed more easier said than done. I struggled to understand what my place/role in the team was, doing this for a whole year overwhelmed me a bit and totally out of my comfort zone isn't always an easy place to be...
Our first country England was very beautiful. It was winter and very cold. We arrived in London after two long but awesome flights on 6 March. We had a lot to see and to enjoy there. A married couple from South-Africa gave us a place to sleep and awesome meals. We also received a challenge in London where we had to hear God’s voice really clear and I was a leader in one of the two teams. We can just thank God for His provision and faithfulness. After England we head out to Guatemala! That was a new adventure. Just...
My outlook on hosting people will never be the same. During our stay in brasil we were reguraly confronted with the awkward situation of random people that didnt speak our language, and have nothing in common, but still will take us into their homes, feed us, spoil us and didnt want anything in return. In some situations we even received money. We soon just came to the conclusion that the only common grounds we had were Jesus, that in itself was enough. So often we try to do so much and feel dissatisfied if we did not achieve all we...
I am so scared of using christianese. I used to judge people who used the word "journey" and "blessing". For me it was death! But now I'm starting to get there! So funny! I asked God to please take away my "judger". And ever since then, when I judge somebody for a characteristic, I get the characteristic #
This sentence is gonna sound a bit like a contradiction to the previous blog I posted about the beauty of weakness but bare with me for a moment and you will see how it fits in together. The world teaches us that vulnerability equals weakness but actually vulnerability equals beautiful strength. It is much more difficult to be vulnerable and honest about how you feel than not. It is when we are real and share the rawness of what is really going on in our heart, that takes so much boldness and courage. Since Jesus have taught me about...