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Love is greater than all

I just love to be in the Glory of God because he is Love I really enjoyed this week 
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Kimberly Lynch

We have spent the past few days at the Shing Mun Springs in Hong Kong!  We are staying down the hill (and by hill...i mean HILL) from our place of ministry.  6 out of our group are doing ministry on the other side of Hong Kong.  That leaves the 10 of us here living at a place called the Breakthrough.



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The Unexpected Journey

"Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation", a small whisper and prompting that would change the course of my life. In the movie, Hobbits: The unexpected journey, Gandalf, one of the most powerful wizards, asks his friend Bilbo a hobbit, to go on an quest with him and a group of dwarves to reclaim the kingdom of Erebor. Bilbo would soon realise that this journey would not be at all what he expected, taking him on a treacherous and dangerous path, fighting orcs, giant spiders and even a dragon. Relating to Bilbo was easy when...
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Do you have a heavenly or a cheesecake type of love ?

Over the past month my world has been flipped upside down! Things I thought I knew, I realized I had no understanding of. One of these concepts was love. It mentions in 1 Cor 13 how important love is and all of its fruits of it such as kindness and patience.    This is the type of love my heart so longed for and desperately wanted but unfortunately I found myself falling back into the old, cheesecake type of love. This type of love is cheap, doesn’t last long and only speaks with words and not actions. It was a...
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In the Silence

  I'm in a quick moving tin shell running underground with many souls on board. No word is said  No sound is made Eyes don't wonder off their screens, books or newspapers,  And I can only wonder how one of the biggest cities in the world could become so quiet? Eyes that look up, hastily shy away with a hint of fear within - what are they looking at? What will they see or say? I can merely smile with sadness,  My heart filled with compassion for a people who have lost the ability to interact.    What will become...
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SA Gemeente, London on GCX08

A number of GCX08 participants are from SA Gemeente (Congregation) in London:  Stefan (GC staff), Sulene (Project leader), Hector (Red team leader), Marizy (Lime team leader), Debree (Lime team member), Liza (Blue team member), Mari (Blue team member) and Nina (who was part of GC07 and joined the Lime team during our time in Zambia).

We still appreciate the support, prayer and encouragement we receive from SAG a lot.  All of us have been greatly blessed through our involvement in SAG during our time of working in the UK.

Something I will always remember with gratitude from SAG, is the fellowship and upliftment I enjoyed in cell groups, camps, trainings and ministry groups.  I believe that the number of people who have joined the Global Challenge from SAG is a wonderful testimony of a living God who has worked through the church's ministry to "WEN, BIND, LEER, STUUR".

 Thank you so much for your support SAG.  Please continue to pray for us. 

 Here are some pictures of SAG members in action on GCX08!

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Finding Jesus in Simplicity

As a little girl up I always had a heart for orphans. I always wanted a career where I could help people who can’t help themselves. Be a voice for the voiceless. It was something that I wanted to do in my life.   As part of our trip to Kyrgyzstan we were planning to visit the local orphanages for disabled children. Statistically, Kyrgyzstan is one of the countries with the highest amount of orphans. Most of these kids are social orphans which means that they have at least on living parent. Parents can’t take care of their children due...
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Day 29

Hidden Paths Team
Day 29 - a (almost) month filled with new family, overflowing joy, serving with Jesus, living a life to love with God and making unforgettable memories... Global challenge welcomed me with open arms the moment I set my foot in the Mission house.The Godly-love the students, staff and community have for each other are contagious! God blessed me with new brothers and sisters to share my Global journey with.  God poured joy into my heart this 29 days. He opened my eyes to see joy all around me. He showed me His joy in people and in the smallest of...
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Just be real

I've appreciated the concept of being real and I've seen the impact it has in other people's lives, but I've never really been as real as I need to be.    To live in the nations is not a joke. I've gained respect for people who leave their country to go and do the work of God in another country. There is a lot of challenges like cultural differences, language barriers and the unfamiliar. You learn to not seek your comfort in people, coffee, sleep and the list continues. All things are only temporary in this world and you will...
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Don't stop living

You must leave everything behind, sacrifice all you have to start something new, and move some boundaries in yourself.  That's what happened when I chose a journey that's something totally different, unique and fantastic - you know, sometimes you want some dust on your feet and experience some point-break moments in your life and that's exactly what I do now.  I came with an expectation where my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual condition will be carved and being formed through this year.  This journey is about stepping out in faith, follow God, and don't have fear on this new journey. ...
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