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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

My Vision & Reason for GCEX

  From Johannes , a servant of Christ Jesus and an apostle chosen and called by God to preach his Good News. The Good News was promised long ago by God through his prophets, as written in the  Holy Scriptures. It is about his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ: as to his humanity, he was born a descendant of David; as to his divine holiness, he was shown with great power to be the Son of God by being raised from death. Through him God gave me the privilege of being an apostle for the sake of Christ , in order...
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To the little refugee girl...

To the little refugee girl...
It rained today, the type of weather that screams 'stay in bed'. I didn't feel like going to the camp but I promised you I would, so I went.  I had lots of plans for new games we could play and I also promised to still braid your hair.  But you weren't there... I walked through the camp, expecting you to come running, screaming my name as you always did, but you didn't. There were no running footsteps, no waving hair and bright smile. No one eagerly grabbing my hand and saying 'come, come' to play a new game. The...
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Kina cudna zemlja, veoma cudna ali veoma interesantna. Letili smo iz Rusije za Kinu u Peking, provozali smo se kroz Peking i imali 20 satni stojeci vlak do Sining, tako da je pravo zanimljivo bilo, sve sjedece karte su bile prodate pa su imali samo stojece karte tako da smo stajali spavali ispod sjedila . Stigli smo u Sining u upoznali lokalnog misionara koji nas je podjelio u 5 grupe 1 grupa je cuvala decu i ucila u skoli, jedna grupa je trebala otvoriti restoran a druga je radila u drugom restoranu,  a ostale dvije grupe su bila putujuce za muslimanski...
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First steps on the journey...

“The journey does not start when you board the plane, it starts now…” I am 22 years old, born and bred in Pretoria, South-Africa. I currently finished my honours degree in Consumer Science at North-west University, Potchefstroom. My passions are Jesus, people, travelling and being active! Next year will be no different… Watch this space because I hope to share my journey with you! “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I...
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The last few weeks God has revealed a lot in the word love for me. A word used so often but not always fully understood and one without which we are all lost. In Colossians 3:1-17 Paul talks about our new life in Christ and how we show put down our old sinful behaviours and set our sights on the things of heaven. This involves putting to death the sinful earthly things lurking inside of us e.g. sexual immorality, impurity, lust, and evil desires as well as to get rid of anger, rage, malicious behaviour, slander and dirty language. Instead...
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She needs a mummy not a nanny

She needs a mummy not a nanny
She extends her hands to be kissed when she trusts you Every morning of the last two weeks I spent in Ethiopia, a happy and exciting alarm woke me up. It was the scream of  joy and jubilation from baby Nawi. She went ahhhh!! I am sure she meant “yeah! I am still alive… !” She is so beautiful like no other. She is my most adorable child in Addis Ababa. Everyday I longed to hold her in my arms and let her know that she is loved and cherished so much she will never know. I looked at her...
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Significant South Sudan

Significant South Sudan
Facts cannot explain our South Sudan journey and I am afraid my words cannot either. Returning to South Sudan after two years I was equally excited and nervous. I had an idea of what lay ahead for our team. Yet, our completely inefficient budget, the drowning of our host’s daughter, an emigration officer’s irrational behavior and the way God worked caught also me off guard. Once again I was overwhelmed by the need I saw, and I realized that my best place to start helping, is to tell their stories to the world. Summary -Overland from Kampala to Juba -Spend...
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America - Hawaii

America - Hawaii
We had the privilege of going to Los Angeles, California to sort out some of our visas for China and Russia. Because of our one world ticket we could also stop in Hawaii for about 4 days. Firstly LA. We had some time to experience the real American dream. We stayed in Anaheim in a nice hotel where we had dough-nuts and pastries for breakfast each morning. We also went shopping at Wall-mart an Target and it was an experience! The 1 dollar shop was also frequently visited by the Global Challengers. We saw all the big American cars and...
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Inhale Abba, exhale I belong to You

Inhale Abba. Exhale I belong to You. Such a powerful song. Abba I belong to You! You're more real than the ground I'm standing on, more real than the air in my lungs. My Abba. Father. Wow. John 1: 12-13 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. It was a shock to me when I first heard that the holy Koran has 99 names for...
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Dreaming is not for the Impossible!

Dreaming is not for the Impossible!
Who said a wheelchair bound person will not be able to put up his own tent and sleep in it? Who said a wheelchair user can not get up to Cape Point without using the train? Who said a guy in a wheelchair can't minister and encourage others? Who said an adventurous road trip to Cape Town with two disable guys is impossible? It is all possible! It all started when the 22nd of April became our fixed date. We told people about the dream of going to Cape Town and started praying for the necessary funds. From a budget...
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