Participant Blogs
So, a little update on what our team is up to next.
My Beloved Shepherd, My Lord & I
(Part Five)
In my weariness from earthly cares, do I hesitate to answer when the Divine Shepherd knocks at my door, and so turn Him from me?
rHebrews 3:15*Then while it is still called Today, if you would hear His voice and when you hear it, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.
Psalm 95:7-8*For He is our God and we are His people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand. Today,if you will hear His voice, harden not your hearts as at Meribah (Contention) and as at Massah (Proof), in the day temptation in the wilderness.
In my mind, India has always been one of those legendary places that I have read about in books. As a child, I remember learning about Amy Carmichael who went to India and took in temple girls under her wing and taught them the Truth of the scriptures. Of course, I had read and heard countless stories about Mother Teresa and the work that she was selflessly doing in this land as well. India is all that I had read and heard about and more. p>
We had a wonderful week of debrief in Macau!
And since we didn't have any time for a challenge in China, Sulene thought it wise to give the teams the opportunity to get to see Macau's interesting places, in other words ... a challenge!
Proud to announce that the red team was the winners (!), though humbly sharing their first place with the orange team!
Here we are at the lighthouse at the Guia fortress (Elizma's GC shirt has just been washed when the challenge was announced!)