There's a new dawn arising, there's a new constellation forming and a new song playing. I can see it being formed through the winking of the stars. I can hear the song playing through the whispers of the wind and the rolling of the waters. There's a new time coming. And it's coming for us. The reborn and the saved, the hopeless and the hopeful. We will be one, we will be renewed. The day I got baptised was the start of a new life. That's what I was told though. Whether I believed it or not, I'm still not...
Participant Blogs
Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...
Newsletter January 2017 Hallo meine Lieben, Es ist ist wirklich schön mal wieder richtiges Deutsch zu benutzen! Ich liebe Worte, und in der Deutschen Sprache kenne ich einfach die allermeisten. Da wären wir gleich beim ersten Thema: David und internationale Kommunikation: In der Deutschen Sprache kenn' ich wahrscheinlich so an die 500.000 Worte, das können die meisten der Menschen die das hier lesen wahrscheinlich auch, sonst würden sie sich bald ziemlich schwer tun, da ich die meisten davon jetzt benutzen werde! Ok sorry das war gelogen, ich benutz' wahrscheinlich nur einen jämmerlichen Teil von den mir zur Verfügung stehenden Worte,...
So I turned 30 in Peru on a bus on the way to Lima with wifi. Then later they day to peeps who where suppose to take me away so they can do my surprise party got distracted and when we got back to church there were search parties out looking for us while the rest of the team was eating so long as to not be late for the church service. The BIG 30 (that is before you hit the big 40 and then the big 50 ect) and since everyone these days have the list of to do's...
Where do I start? We just finished our first country: Israel- the Promised land! And I would like to share some of the amazing things we experienced. When we left SA the 11 th of March we didn't fly direct to Israel but to Jordan from where we over landed to Israel! We landed around 16:00 the afternoon- and leaving for the border post was just not a option since we would be caught in the dark! It was SO cold in Jordan and they predicted snow that night, we were planning on having our first sleepover in the airport in Amman,...
Why are you here? Why did you decide to do this journey? What did you want out of it? Were you prepared to give up this much? Throughout the last few weeks i’ve been confronted with questions that challenged my heart in a very surreal way. Have you found comfort in your uncomfortable circumstances? Are you comforted by the people in your team that has become family to you? Get uncomfortable. Comfort can become the killer if you let it. Who would’ve thought that one can find comfort and become comforted in the most uncomfortable circumstances? And once...
So here I am in Varanasi in India. This is my first blog, and so much has happend in the last 3 months. First of all I want to give God all the glory for me being on this trip. I didn't have all the money to do this yet God blessed me with R18000 for a beginnig. God told me that I must put all my trust in Him and go on this expedition. so I did. When I arrived in India I found out that there is R17000 more in my account. I have no idea where it...
***my girls: Jyoti and Soman :) and ***proof that I climbed a Himalyan mountain! :) And here we thought this was going to be a breeze... see the world they said... life changing stuff they said.... NOT ONE LIE! I have been struggling with what to write in this blog as so much has happened these last 2 weeks in Dwarka... the children have not only taught me how to love unconditionally, but Jesus...
This past week in Peru has been one of discipleship. It was not discipleship of Peruvian people, but rather Peruvian people discipling me. During our time here so far, we have had the opportunity to go into various schools and universities and preform dramas that explain different aspects of the gospel. Following the drama, we then have been able to share the gospel story with the people! Then, we handed out hundreds and hundreds of Bibles to kids, professors and parents. It was a miracle we were able to get into these schools and speak to the people about Jesus...
The Wild Hogs of Panajachelel W e were the crash test dummies for pastor Benjamin’s trike ministry. The ministry involved us going into the community and asking around for old, rusted unusable bicycles. We would ultimately convert those bicycles into drifting machines and we would then race them down a crazy mountain pass. This attracted a lot of attention and thus created the opportunity to share truth to the local people of Panajacehel. It also encouraged the youth to get involved in extreme sports and to restore old junk into adrenaline masterpieces. Building these drift-trikes involved us: Welding, grinding,...
Hey friends and family, you are now going to read my first blog. All I can say is - what an amazing experience, even getting to masaai land was an adventure! 2 days with very diverse forms of travel - air, bus,taxi and a 4 hour bumpy 4x4 drive but it was all worth it. The first 2 days we spent getting to know the land and meeting Maasai, what a wonderful, colourful culture and people group. What a wonderful surprise and blessing when they gave us a lamb spitbraai the Sunday evening - it was like they knew what...