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Okay, so the title might be a bit misleading, but it’s still about acceptance.     I am someone that has a lot of questions, analyzes and overthinks things. So of course I will have a lot of questions about what I believe, about God, why some things happen   and why some things don’t.   One thing is physically healing. Why doesn’t everyone get healed and why does it sometimes feel so complicated to pray for someone to get healed?     The first day of teaching in Johannesburg God answered both questions. The second one He showed me...
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During the year I have frequently suppressed the following questions:  Do I believe?  Is there really a God? Is this just a way for our brains cope with circumstances and make sense of things?   I’m very passionate about apologetics, especially when it comes to atheists.   Don’t let anybody ever fool you, and don’t fool yourself, by saying what atheists believe is stupid and how can they believe that we come from apes?, etc.   They have a lot of good reasons for saying what they say and they can back it up with facts.   There is a...
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Resting in the climb

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;  in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."  Proverbs 3:5  I have probably heard/read this scripture hundreds of times in my life, but to be honest, having an adventurous heart and loving the unexpected, this promise never really excited me that much. However, after receiving the verse five times on one day from different sources, I realised that God must be trying to tell me something specific. I was sure that God wanted to reveal more from this promise...
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Kimberly Lynch






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Road to leadership

When I was accepted to join the Global Challenge team I remember reading all the different team roles in the manual, when I got to the 'Team Leader' role, I skipped right over it thinking "I'm definitely not going to be chosen to do that." Skip ahead a few months to me sitting opposite the Global team leaders with them asking me if I'd be willing to lead a team this year. I'm going to be honest, my first response was panic! I felt totally inadequate for the job. All I was thinking was "Lord, I want to be obedient...
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I expected myself to write something about how working with sheep taught me so much about myself, because the Bible so often likens us to sheep. Don’t get me wrong, it’s true. But, I feel I need to write about something else. It’s hard to sum up the two months, but I think 2 important things that come to mind is: 1. Speaking life and 2. Working with integrity. I was reminded of, and shown, the power of speaking life. It’s so natural for us to throw an insult here or a ‘joke’ there, without thinking about the consequences. It’s...
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To step out of your comfort zone

Most of my life I was comfortable in my own space. This space was my protective bubble that I lived in. I created this bubble to please only myself. This safe zone that I created for myself became a giant Fortress that surrounded me. When this happens you fear life. You are unwilling to change. Slowly but surely you are closing up so that you can't receive anything. In this bubble I created my own world, gods and a thinking process.   That bubble like Fortress, that I've built, bursted. That fakeness of wearing a mask fell off when I...
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Who Is This God We Serve?

He is the God who chooses who should go and who should stay He is the God who opens up the way He is the God who called you by name He is the God who never shares His fame Who Is This God We Serve? He is the God who knows your every thought, your every word, your every action He is the God of every tongue, tribe and nation He is the God who knows the beginning from the end and everything in between Who Is This God We Serve? He is the God who chose you He...
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Finding joy in the small things.

Finding joy in the small things.   Well of we go to Malaysia but first, what a awesome time we had in Loas . We had amazing time with the people in Loas and learned so much. I could really see God working through the people that we met and the people we spend time with.   I personally learned so much just by intentionally spending time with people in the country and really seeing how they find so much joy in the small things in life. I learned that I almost always take everything for granted. God really showed...
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Leave the 99

It is so easy for me always to share all the amazing things God is doing through us, what we have been learning and how we have been growing, altough these things are very true. Sharing all our struggles, weaknesses and faults, is a very different story. Being real and honest can be excruciatingly vulnerble and uncomfortable, but what is clear for me after almost seven months of traveling is that it is in our uncomfort where the Lord does most of His work. In my walk with Jesus over time I noticed that it feels like sometimes I go...
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