By Marcel & Marizel Doing our bit to add flavour to Global challenge 2009 (wish we could add real tastes and smells too!) :-) Welcome everyone to the first of our new series called "Ietsie om oor huis toe te skryf...". This directly translated from Afrikaans to English means "Something to write home about..." and the inspiration came when experiencing something so life changing, we really felt inclined to write home about it and share with the people at home, so... here's our guava juice and later on mango juice experience* Not so long ago (3 days to be exact)...
Participant Blogs
Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...
Today marks 1 month of the unexpected journey that is Global Challenge in my life, so far I have been reeducated in almost every area of my being. In one month God has miraculously stretched my faith filled me with his spirit and taught me so many truths. He has abolished the lies killed off the fears and taught me what true love means, the kind that is without expectation of getting anything back the kind that Jesus was the perfect example of. Saying that this is my latest truth. A popular example of explaining the place I have...
One religion says I am right and You are wrong Another religion says You are goin to heaven and thay are going to hell Where is the love in that This religion says you have to pray six times a day for all your sins That religion states you need to burn offerings to your statue god to be forgiven Another religion says you need to pray facing a surtain direction One religion says everyone is welkom Another one states you can only be born in to it That religion you pay...
Two team mates and I were heading back to our camp site at the Sea of Galilee. We weren't sure of the bus number we should take so we asked around but no one spoke English. A bus came by and we showed the driver the ticket of where we had come from. He told us a number in the 300's and the name of the stop. Feeling confident with this info, we sat waiting, chatting a bit, and investigating the number on each bus that headed toward us. Each number that stopped, was a single digit. This doesn't seem...
We all get those days where we feel down and think we're not going to rise again. It's in those times that we really want a comforter. Some of the downs that I had resulted in me being angry and restless. The impact of the storm was big and I wanted to get out. I tried, but I failed. Hope was disappearing and I wondered whether the storm will get to an end. Is there a solution? Can someone maybe help me? I was caught in this storm for a few days. It tossed me around and didn't respect...
This year...this team...this journey I recalled watching the story of Rend Collective Experiment's new album. Â "What we've learned is that faith is all about risk and adventure. Those who make a difference in the world is risk takers. We as a church are never meant to be a timid and huddled up club looking for safety but a pilgrim family in progress of chasing after the wild lion heart of God. The Holy Spirit moves the most when we move out of our comfort zones and into the world where the need is great and where we can build...
Availability and not ability What a time we have had in Johannesburg with Brian and his team! It was truly an amazing experience where we learned so much about ourselves and about God and his plans for us. I personally learned so much about how God wants to use us in our everyday life’s. I learned that it is not about our ability to do things but about our availability so that God can do things threw us. We saw some truly amazing things, such as healings that took place, people getting...
When I think of global I’m reminded of the verse John 13:45 which says “Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” Love abounds in the global community and this love is contagious. I already feel part of the global family and what a privilege it is. These past few days of being in Global Challenge Expeditions challenged my way of thinking.Being completely thrown out of my comfort zone and into this new place of uncertainty has brought me to a state of surrender. Since day one in global I just had to...
My name is Anri, I am 23 years of age and I grew up in the Western Cape, South Africa. I finished my diploma in Event Management in December 2020 and with many uncertainties the past year with our industry being one of the many closed due to Covid the pressure to make a decision for what I was going to do the upcoming year was even greater. I've never had a clear example of what a missionary life looks like, but it was something I believe God made me quite curious about. I also felt a strong sense that...
In 1994 there was a genocide in Rwanda where the Hutu people group hunted down, tortured and killed their Tutsi brothers and sisters. These people used to be neighbours, living together in harmony on the beautiful hills of Rwanda. At the genocide memorial museum, we heard stories of Tutsi families slaughtered by their Hutu friends. The friends they thought would protect them. This was truly inhumane and our Rwandan friends agreed that it was impossible for a whole people group to turn into murderers if it was not by some demonic force. This attack definitely started in the spiritual realm....