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Recurring thoughts

People think to be an evangelist you have to be a certain spiritual level with God, have you to be fasting and praying, asking God earnestly to bring someone across our path just so we can turn them to Jesus. Although our hearts should be longing for such things as these, this shouldn’t be our motives of wanting to evangelise. Let’s first start off with what “evangelism” means. It doesn’t mean you walk up to random people and try convert their beliefs to yours. Even if we tried it is not us who can convert anyone anyway, but God who...
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Hogsback, a place where nature envelopes you, where the forest aroma fills your nostrils, where the earth is alive, rivers flow and God’s creation worships Him. However, Hogsback isn’t known for any of that but rather for it’s heavy spiritual atmosphere, but God used us to represent His kingdom there by using us as His light in the darkness.   We could really see God working in people’s lives despite us and using us as the broken vessels we are to lead people into His Kingdom.   Being surrounded by Nature really reminded me that God is Lord of the...
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Is this making a difference?


This was a hard question that kept popping up in our first two countries: Rwanda & Uganda. This was the reason why these two countries was the toughest so far. 

I knew that  teaching English and sharing some Bible stories with children and building relationship with people might make a difference in some way, I just couldn't see it right then and there.  For four weeks this is what we did - and believe me it feels like a lifetime if you are far away from home, are sick, tired and can't seem to see the purpose in you being here. All we really did was spend time with people and listen to them - which was surprisingly exhausting. 

Although there is a saying that time is the most precious thing you can give, at that stage it just didn't feel like it made a difference. 

What I really needed was for Jesus to come and redefine missions for me. To have people 24/7 around you and find a space to spend personal time with Jesus in this time was really challenging for me and thus it took me awhile to get the answer to this question. Finally one morning God answered my question with a question while I was looking at a new branch of a plant I sat next to. He asked me, "Do you know how I grew this branch" and my answer to this was "No Lord, You do so I don't have to " and just like that God taught me the most freeing thing - I don't always have to know how He works, because He knows.

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Give me Samuel's ear

I heard the hollow eco's of silence. Darkness surrounded me and emptiness lurked within.   Suddenly a piercing cry smashed through the silence, "stop believing the lies!" I wondered what lies the voice was talking about. Then the light engulfed the darkness and I realized what the lies was. I always thought God didn't speak to me. But then He started to reveal all the times He did speak and I just didn't realize it was Him. I thought I made up the pictures and words I got, that it was only my imagination. I didn't even think that it...
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The same lense, different perspective.

Covid-19 — the unknown to men, the known to God.   2020 — a year that we thought we knew the outline of the drawing, the colour of the picture, the game plan of the match. It's time for a different chapter. A chapter God already wrote.   Our journey is like a new movie. We've already seen the trailer of Global Challenge Expiditions 2020. We've  decided to step into the cinema to watch how our expectations will onfold...   BOOM! Our movie suddenly hits a climax — a plot twist no one expected. Scenes filled with face masks and...
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A land of contrasts

Black is standing next to white. Rich and poor is going through the day doing their daily tasks. Billion dollar buildings are towering above Mumbai while the slums decorate the background. You will find clean competing with dirty. Contrasts are the clothes India wears with a face of friendliness shining like the beams of a torch.    We might have had plans, but God had better plans waiting for us. The team thought India was going to be a restful 5 days, but it was completely the opposite. God directed our path in India in such a way that He...
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Expedition 101

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A Working Father

But Jesus replied, "My Father is always working, and so am I." -John 5:17 This is a famous verse that a lot of people know and I have heard it multiple times in my life. But only in Russia I truely believed and saw God's work in action. It all began in the streets of Moscow after a long day of walking to get our visas for Cuba. I got a picture in my head and immediately knew it came from God. I loved that God is still speaking to me, but in a way I was a bit scared...
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Remembering Rwanda

This is a country where kites soar above your head while people peacefully go about their daily tasks. It wasn't always like this. Rwanda has a dark history which is so dark that one would not think that this is the same country as 25 years ago.    In 1994 for a period of 100 days the streets of Kigali, the capital, were drenched in blood. A million people lost their lives. The smell of dead bodies flooded the air while dogs feasted on human flesh. Neighbours turned against each other and even family. Fear, rape, abuse and hate dominated...
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At first I wasn’t really excited to go to Vietnam. All I know about Vietnam is probably what you know as well. A good 49 years ago there was a war waging in this beautiful country.     But it turned out to be so much more! Seeing Vietnam as a place where there was only a war is the same as saying South Africa as a place where people live in huts and where lions walk around in our streets.     We mostly just built relationships with the people. We taught English, had English conversation sessions with the...
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