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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...


Okay, so the title might be a bit misleading, but it’s still about acceptance.     I am someone that has a lot of questions, analyzes and overthinks things. So of course I will have a lot of questions about what I believe, about God, why some things happen   and why some things don’t.   One thing is physically healing. Why doesn’t everyone get healed and why does it sometimes feel so complicated to pray for someone to get healed?     The first day of teaching in Johannesburg God answered both questions. The second one He showed me...
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The "Real" world

"Real" world
The "real" world is a scary place most of us create in our minds. I for one thaught that after our training period had finished I might slowly carve back into my old path. This has been proven false and I couldn't be more confident in the eternal changes God has established. We stay in the same world that we did five or even ten years ago, time doesn't change us but our circumstances do. What we take from these circumstances into the ones that follow form us and if led by God helps us shape the world. With this...
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These last few weeks I have constantly been confronted with control or more over the lack thereof. Starting this journey I never knew I had such strong control issues 🙈  God placed me in a group of people that are mostly adventurous and can easily adapt to change. I on the other hand plan everything before hand and dislike last minute changes (which is pretty much the definition of Global Challenge). But I am slowly realizing that God is teaching me to relax more and to not just rush through life. However this is not an easy lesson to learn,...
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City Of Gold

We went to Johannesburg as our first ministry point. Going into Johannesburg I wasn’t prepared for all the things God would do in my life and the promises he would make for Johannesburg.   In Johannesburg I had the privilege to get to know the people within the city and I had a chance to work with the real gold of the city, the people.   God made it very clear through multiple prophecies that He has REVIVAL in store for Johannesburg. God also miraculously healed me from ADD. On the contrary to what I was expecting of Johannesburg, the...
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Make it become something else...

"Sometimes our stories are the ones we can never tell...but if a story is never told it becomes something else....forgotten."


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Flying lessons

"A bird's not defined by being grounded but by his ability to fly. Remember this, humans are not defined by their limitations, but by the intentions that I (God) have for them." - The Shack I was busy reading this part in the book and it reminded me of something beautiful. It is all about love and relationship with God and we can have this because it already exists in God Himself. I had so many prophecies over my life about love and that love is my way to connect with people. It also brings peaceful atmosphere. Well...It is definitely...
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Today’s Gift

Tomorrow is my first time I am leaving this beautiful country that I’ve called home for the last 24 years. It’s been tempting these last few months to start fantasizing about distant lands with interesting people and the unknown adventures that await. So not to get caught up in wishing the clock to tick quicker, I’ve had to come up with questions for myself such as: When I’m talking to someone I ask myself ‘Who is this person?’ Even though I’ve known them for a long time. Or When I’m in a place I’ve been, I ask myself ‘Where am I?’...
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06/03/2015 African Air Con

  When you think of Africa all that comes to mind are lions, pride rock, and dry landscapes. This is not the case. On a 17 hour bus ride you have time to really look at things. Inside yourself and outside the window. Africa is lush. Green. Humid. Unexpected. The bus promised air con, just like the hotel, and all it was was an old school open window. Unexpected. But now we know. Our definitions of things back home are influenced by western culture. Definitions in Africa are influenced by functionality. An air con is a mechanism that moves air....
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Since the day we first set foot on Hong Kong airport, God has been taking us through distinct experiences.  During the past four weeks we've been taken form Western culture to Eastern, from country side to city life, from snow to sun shine, from poor rural areas to luxury.  The contrast is difficult to explain.  Just within mainland China it's been tremendous.  Since we've crossed the border, the Orange team has stayed in five different towns.  In the first town I gradually began encountering culture shock.

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Kimberly Lynch

Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala!!!

I mean, REALLY, what to say???  Let me start by saying I was here in Panajachel, Guatemala in 2006 while I was on the World Race.  While I was here last time I had a stomach virus for 2 out of the 3 weeks we were here.  I didn´t get to see much of ANYTHING that time. 


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