On the 15th of March we arrived at our very first country, Rwanda. We were greeted by Bosco, our host and his family with a lot of love. Bosco runs a NGO where he nominates underprivileged children for a mentorship program, for proper schooling and to teach them the proper values and skills to be affective leaders. I immediately got excited when they told us that we would be helping at a local school teaching them from English to even sports. Members of our team was also needed at Bosco's office, for admin and advertisement of his NGO. During the...
Participant Blogs
Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...
In the Global community, a "Luke 10" is a concept that is spoken of with much excitement, because everyone who has participated in such a challenge, has seen how God provides and how there is a multiplication of miracles when you have only Him to trust in. "After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. He told them: The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his...
A form is something that seems real looks like it's the real deal but it's not reality. I thought in my head I new God but he was only in my head, but now that I'm here in Turkey Istanbul I'm realising that God is real and alive he is the one that we can trust. I mean we where @ Ephesus where Paul was preaching know that i just realised that This is real God is not a form but he is real.we also visited some people who are Christian's and thy told us about thy testimony how God...
It's like that Father to daughter, daughter to Father conversation that goes something like "Dad my life is falling apart!" "No it's not here is some cake" kind of thing. Yes this is crazy. Yes I am freaking out and yes it feels like my life is a movie but it is okay. I am okay. God keeps blessing me in crazy ways like we got one week to go home and when I went I did not know how I was going to get back to Jeffreys Bay, and then God just provided. It was through people I did...
“It is quite true that the way up to the High Places is both difficult and dangerous,” said the Shepherd. “It has to be, so that nothing which is an enemy of Love can make the ascent and invade the Kingdom. Nothing blemished or imperfect is allowed there, and the inhabitants of the High Places do need ‘hinds’ (a deer) feet. I have them myself,” he added with a smile, “and like a young hart or roebuck I can go leaping on the mountains and skipping on the hills with the greatest ease and pleasure. But, Much-Afraid, I could make...
I've heard people say South Africa is such a wonderful country and it's so diverse, in fact I've said something similar, travel magazines and tourists too. It's even in our De facto slogan, the rainbow nation. Diverse in people, nature, culture and heritage. It's one thing to think you know something and a whole lot different to know you only know a little. Naively I thought I knew. Since we've been expropriated from Brazil the team has actively served in 4 of our 8 provinces and not even lockdown has been able to impede our travels. Where's the truth in...
When Jesus sets you free from all the lies you believed about yourself and about Him, its like the best day of your life, because you don't feel trapped anymore. You know you can face the world again without the feeling that everything is against you. In our time at Elim, Jesus really came and broke every lie that held me down and it really "destroyed" my relationship with Jesus without me even noticing it. I always knew my identity is in Christ but I did not believed it. He came and spoke truth into my life and set...
It is cold and rainy. Someone's singing in the background, while the street is going crazy with hooters and sirens. Outside it is busy with people going up and down and with their body language you can tell that in this place they flourish on a "every man for himself" basis. You have to bounce around all the rubbish to make your way from point A to point B. The coffee smells and tastes funny and the food is absolutely delicious. Welcome to Jordan! Each one of our team members, going through their own joys and struggles. Everyone kind of...
To become a beautiful sculpture, there is first some chiseling to do and to my expectations I didn't think God will do it so quickly. In these few weeks of training I have experienced a kind of love between friends that I never experienced in my life before. Thank you to the Lord, His Gace and a lot of love, i am now able to connect with people on a deeper level than I have ever been able to connect with people in the past. From day one I felt love and acceptance God chipping away all these lies. Coming...
I want to taste more of what is true and live like I got nothing to prove , you are the heart beating right here in my chest , the air I breathe not anything less. something changed , something is different , but it’s beautiful and Jesus is the center of this. This something is my life. My life is different , my life changed the moment Jesus took every single part of my life. From now on I live for Him and only Him! I can’t do anything without God. After a month in Africa I...