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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

The conversations we have with God...

My Beloved's return...

(Part Three, My Beloved Shephard, my Lord and I - Songs of Solomon)



Longingly I Address You, Lord:







 Until the day brakes and the shadows flee away, return hastily, O my Beloved, and be like a gazelle or a young hart as you cover the mountains which separates us.





Searching I had gone but a little way past them when I found Him whom my soul loves. I held Him and would not let Him go...







By, Liza Kruger 

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Servant spirit


I really thought I had a servant heart. It didn't take a long time into this journey for me to reallize that I was just bluffing myself. That a servant heart can't be a servant heart without a servant spirit.

Galatians 5 :13 ~ For you have been called to live in freedom, both my brothers and sisters. But don't use your freedom to satisfy your sinfull nature. Use your free time to serve one another in love

For me to gain a servant spirit I first of all had to lose my selfishness. And to really invest more time in God and to get to know Him. An intimate relationship. And to try and gain some of His characteristics. What an amazing experience that was. It was like God gave me His eyes for a bit. I got to see people out of His eyesight. People I judged , I saw their strong points. People I would have avoided, I made time for. People I didnt like , I started to love.

It just shows you that that all God wants is a open heart and a seeking spirit...

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Faith and Finance

Faith like a mustard seed
Arriving on this adventure already 2 weeks late and a heavy backpack, my heart was downcast and apprehensive BUT within one second of hugs, and warm greetings, I felt right at home, fears gone and prayers answered. Throughout training so far the Lord as been teaching me what it is to listen and also to trust Him, even if I do seem to take the wheel from Him more then I’d like to admit. During quiet time early one morning after a restless nights sleep over what team role The Lord wanted me in for this year, I was struggling...
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My beloved, you are mine and I am yours.

My beloved, you are mine and I am yours.
We had the privilege to attend the Kingdom Come conference! God painted the folowing picture for me: We are His and He is ours. We are the eye - one with the  God, the sunflower. The eye represents us. We are not whole - we are broken pieces. The different shapes in the background represents our lives - A MESS WITHOUT GOD! We are colorful and unique, but still incomplete without God. Jesus, our savior, is the sunflower. He is the light! He makes us whole and is the highway to heaven. He completes our eyes. He opens it to...
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The Conversations we have with God...

I am, my Beloved's

(Part Six)

World: Where has your Beloved gone, O you fairest among woman?
Where is your Beloved hiding Himself? For we would seek Him with




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F1 race in Macau

Just some fun!
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Matthew Fedorenko, training so far

Training has been as spiritual as it is been practical. Whether it is cutting trees for firewood, watching a video on pride, helping with the kids, or having a big prayer session; I have always been learning something.  The community is just as engaging. The leaders down to the student missionaries are very passionate about this process. The leaders interact with us as if they are learning this with us, and the student missionaries have this fire that is very contagious. I am very excited and inspired of the people here in the training program. This is a great start...
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Joy of life

From the 7th to the 23rd of September we visited the Echo farm close to Frankford.   At our previous ministry point I was wondering what my next challenge will be for the new ministry point. But Jesus really came and poured His blessing and joy over me.   Jesus really gave me so much joy on the farm where we worked. We prepared the soil for spinach, planted the spinach, made a stone floor and we helped built mashroom houses.   In al the hard work, tired nights and stiff bodies I really saw and felt the joy that...
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Incredible India

Incredible India
Standing at the end of yet another country I’m faced with something quite unfamiliar to me. I have no words to describe what’s in my heart and in my head. India was an unbelievable experience that I won’t ever be able to put into words. India is rich in colours, textures, smells, tastes and sights. We had the privilege to travel up to the mountains and I was amazed with the character and stories that the mountain scenes had to tell. Once again I stood in awe of how big God is! At the same time there’s a hopelessness and...
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The power of testimony

Coming to global
I knew that coming into Global would cause me to be more attentive, listening to testimonies with an ear to hear. Manifested itself in the form of great breakthroughs in testimonies, even before we embark on our journey  People seem more real when you realize we all have 'dirt'. Everyone has a story be it longer, shorter, dramatic or seemingly boring. It has power none the less and the blessings received through it into the year is unique and a key to broadened thinking.
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