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Last year I was apart part of Global challenge and I knew Jesus wanted me to do a second year, but I didn't know how it was going to look like. On the 1st of March we left for Zithulele Transkei. Our team volunteered at the various NGO's for a month. The drive there was beautiful, full of excitement and expectations for what this small rural place in the middle of nowhere might hold for us. My biggest dream is to be a full time missionary in the underground churches in Iran. I always had this perfect Idea of how...
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Incredible India

Incredible India
Standing at the end of yet another country I’m faced with something quite unfamiliar to me. I have no words to describe what’s in my heart and in my head. India was an unbelievable experience that I won’t ever be able to put into words. India is rich in colours, textures, smells, tastes and sights. We had the privilege to travel up to the mountains and I was amazed with the character and stories that the mountain scenes had to tell. Once again I stood in awe of how big God is! At the same time there’s a hopelessness and...
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Fighting Shadows

"If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done" Thomas Jefferson So here I am. I stand on the brink of a year filled with what one can only describe as an adventure only to find over the last three months I've experienced much of exactly that. New levels of faith, love, exceptance and solid lessons to point us in the right direction . Firstly, I found myself as an only child drop kicked to the deep end and forced to live between 15 men. I've been so loved by...
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Life is all about listening and waiting, being patient. We tend to do things the opisit way around. We strive to be better and better and the faster we achieve status, the more forfilling our lives will be. Why does everything have to be a rush? A race to success. What is success anyway? When I've achieved my goals, of couse. What if the only goal I have is to love? Is that enough? Will that ever be enough? What if I own no possessions and no one tends to love me back? We all know what the "Christian answer"...
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The conversations we have with God...

My Shephard's presence...?

(Part Two) 

liza_19.jpgDo I have a constant sense of my Shepherd’s presence, regardless of my surroundings?
Deuteronomy 33:27*The eternal God is your refuge and dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms. He drove the enemy before you and thrust them out, saying, Destroy!

Matthew 28:19-20*Go then and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you, and behold, I am with you all the days – perpetually, uniformly and on every occasion, to the very close and consummation of the age.liza_16.jpg


 By, Liza Kruger

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Who would have know that a small dusty town in the Free State would become such a big part of my walk with Jesus. I found Jesus in the routine and day to day working life. From building a stone floor with the girls to planting over 10000 spinach and onion seedlings in 2 days AND setting up TWO microgreen tunnels from scratch...all in the Freestate heat. Jesus really challenged me with endurance and working with excellence in all I do unto His name and for His glory. Endurance and finishing with excellence has always been a struggle for me....
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South Africa!

After 19 hours of flying time, a 5 hour layover in Atlanta, and a 1 hour layover in Senegal, I touched down in South Africa!!!  It was a long trip, but God blessed me tremendously throughout it!
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hello all!!  my capitalization and punctuation may be a little off because of the keyboard i'm using, but you'll get the message just the same...we are in our third country going around the world.  i can't share a lot of specifics right now because i must protect the people i have met, however there are a few specifics i can share...
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Hong Kong!

Greetings from Hong Kong!!

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cimg1770.jpgWe are almost finished with our week in Malaysia.  Sorry that we haven't had a lot of internet time, and I don't have much now, but I'll try to at least get up a bunch of pictures.
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