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Content. A state of satisfaction.   In Laos we stayed at a centre for deaf people. The first thing everyone in the group noticed was how happy the deaf people are. Throughout our stay there we often talked about how it amazes us that they are so content with what they have, they can’t hear anything, they aren’t rich (money), yet they are happy considering the circumstances. There was also something about their friendliness and happiness that felt warm and special. It reminds me of where Paul says in Philippians: “I know how to live on almost nothing or with...
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Chasing Happiness

Chasing happiness
How do you begin to explain to people why you want to do a journey like this? Simply put, I am Chasing Happiness. Although this might seem like a strange statement, for me nothing has ever made more sense. Initially when I applied to Global I was expecting an adventure, but it soon became abundantly clear that this was so much more. In the little time I have spent with both the Global community and my fellow team members, I have experienced God in a totally new way. He has opened my eyes to seeing Him in the smallest of...
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Portraits of China

Portraits of China
Geared with shades, a camera and my GC07 scarf, I have had the opportunity to observe some of the fascinating lives of the different people groups in this province.              These people are all fearfully and wonderfully made by One amazing Creator God of all!!!
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Out of India

We're out of India!  I hate to leave the kids, but heck, that place is bad...
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Mug&Dougnut in Turkey

This week the Mug&Dougnut was accompinied by the delightful Mss. Marietjie van Wyk as special guest to the coffee experience. In beign the professionals that we are, the M&D pride themselves inviting the best coffee connoiseurs from right across the world to share their expert opinions! This is what she had to say: It is with great excitement that I share my experince of the first official gathering of the Mugg(Marcel) and Dougnut(Dauw) coffee experience. Since it is a privelage to be the first guest to be invited to such an esteemed gathering, I was greately honoured by the company...
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Work in progress

Many times on journey and in Jordan while we are serving, I almost felt arrogant to say or even imply that it often feels like maybe God is also serving us? The Bible explains that God's character never changes and that He is always stays the same. Can I maybe imply that the creator of the universe still serves us with the same servent heart as His only Son, the Son He send to save the world and the same Son that said that if you want to know the Heavenly Father, look to Me. Not seeing God's provision, protection...
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I am chosen

I'm not good enough  I'm not worthy I'm fat I'm ugly I'm full of flaws I'm damaged goods I'm unfixable   These are all the lies I believed. These are the lies that corrupted my thoughts. These are the lies that damaged my heart.    But  God came and spoke truth in me.  I AM good enough I AM worthy  I AM wonderfully made I AM beautiful  I AM perfect I AM everything He wants me to be   He set me free from the enemies grasp. And He told me that I am chosen. He has chosen me to...
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Servant spirit


I really thought I had a servant heart. It didn't take a long time into this journey for me to reallize that I was just bluffing myself. That a servant heart can't be a servant heart without a servant spirit.

Galatians 5 :13 ~ For you have been called to live in freedom, both my brothers and sisters. But don't use your freedom to satisfy your sinfull nature. Use your free time to serve one another in love

For me to gain a servant spirit I first of all had to lose my selfishness. And to really invest more time in God and to get to know Him. An intimate relationship. And to try and gain some of His characteristics. What an amazing experience that was. It was like God gave me His eyes for a bit. I got to see people out of His eyesight. People I judged , I saw their strong points. People I would have avoided, I made time for. People I didnt like , I started to love.

It just shows you that that all God wants is a open heart and a seeking spirit...

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Wonderful in Malaysia!!

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Faith and Finance

Faith like a mustard seed
Arriving on this adventure already 2 weeks late and a heavy backpack, my heart was downcast and apprehensive BUT within one second of hugs, and warm greetings, I felt right at home, fears gone and prayers answered. Throughout training so far the Lord as been teaching me what it is to listen and also to trust Him, even if I do seem to take the wheel from Him more then I’d like to admit. During quiet time early one morning after a restless nights sleep over what team role The Lord wanted me in for this year, I was struggling...
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