Philippians 3:8-11 8 Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in Him , not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith; 10 that I may...
Participant Blogs
Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...
Isreal though the eyes of one of our team memebers. I'd like to share a bit on our adventure in Israel up to now. We came here without knowing where we would stay, what we would do or how we would afford to eat (tight budget as you know;) or how we would get around. But as always God provided and we were taken in by John and Amanda, a couple from South Africa who have been living in Israel for more than 25 years, taking in groups of people and teaching them about Israel's incredible truths. We thought that...
If you were to ask me how Turkey was, I could gıve you the tourısty answer of how beautıful ıt ıs here and how wonderful the people ıs...but what we experıenced here was somethıng way better and more than that! From the moment we arrıved ın Istanbul God provıded ın our every need...from gıvıng us dırectıon of where to go, provıdıng an affordable rıde there, fındıng an open campsıte out of season at a prıce we could afford and stayıng there wıth people to whom we could testıfy, to meetıng a group of young guys playıng rugby and helpıng them out...
I went walking this morning. To my right was an open sewerage channel, a haven for malaria and other diseases. Following the channel it led me to an open field. Supposedly the soccer field. Plastic bags lay scattered all over the place, and along the rim burning heaps of garbage. The smell of burnt plastic in the air. The smoke dwindling from the garbage lazily drifted up past the palm tree till it faded in with the morning mist. A cow stood idly on one heap, munching happily away at the junk- plastic bags, old mango peels anything it could...
India was not what I expected at all. I just didn't picture it that way. o well, I had so much at Immanuel. The kids were awesome and although they didn't speak English we somehow connected.
Anafora Just a quick thanks to the guys i saw in pretoria before we left for Egypt it was awesome to hear how you all where doing and seeing some of you. Anafora is a beautiful retreat and we spent a couple of days there receiving teaching on the old testament (read genesis again guys its awesome) and blessings from a bishop. Also we had our first taste of Egyptian food and must say not bad thanks mom for feeding me lentils!! And who knew the desert could be absolutely freezing, i had all my clothes on with...
Hallo brothers and sisters in Christ :) For first lets go back to February, February was the last month of preparation, so we had lot of teaching and we had the first challenge for this year :) It was a challenge from Jeffreys Bay to Coffer Bay-Transkai, what was 700 KM, it was a 15 hours race :) On the way to Coffer Bay we had to find a pig and a chicken, eat chicken food, tell your testimony to 5 people and find out how to say Hallo-, My name i-, Your name is on Korza language. The challenge was so...
Guatemala In one word... Growth!! When we were about to leave Costa Rica, Geoff felt that our team should split up and meet each other again in Guatemala in 10 days. Quinton and I traveled together and had an amazing journey. We spent 3 days on a volcanic island on Lake Nicaragua and climbed a 1670m volcano!! As we were getting closer to our destination, so our money started running out and we barely made it to Panajachel, a very peaceful town next to Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. But the Lord provided use with a place...
Just 2 days?? When I think back I can't believe it was just 2 days that we were in Venezuela, so much happened. The story starts on the bus, the 11 of us got on the bus to Caracas (Capital city of Venezuela) round noon on the 12 May not knowing anyone there or where we are going or having the right papers and the situation as described in the “The next step??” section of the previous blog. Then some of the team starts speaking to some of the other passengers and found out that the there...