Participant Blogs
We have finally arrived in Guatemala, but not without any effort. WE set out for the journey from Peru to Panajachal, Guatemala a week before we arrived. It was an incredible journey. We had prepared as much as we could before we traveled, but there was no way of know the advnture that lied ahead.
Where to even start?! The past couple of weeks have been filled with my favorite moments of Brazil. Not only has there been a lot of fun involved in this experience of discovering a new place, people, and culture, but I have seen God move in my heart and in the hearts of those around me in our time here in Ubatuba. p>
Many journeys in our lives don’t end where you expect them to end. You have a certain plan and purpose in mind, but for some reason, no matter how hard you try, it just doesn’t seem to work out. This is not about one those times…