I don’t really know why but for some or other reason God wants us to pray for certain things or situations before He will engage in it. God thought it good for us to be involved in His business. A typical fatherly attribute to get his sons involve in what he is doing, not really because he need their help but more because he wants to spend time with them and builds friendship with them.
Participant Blogs
The people who stole part of my heart in Arusha...
Anjelista (Angel), our local vegetable seller and her family - Elijas, Bagite and Esther
So Freddy and Bernard set out a few days back on our way to where ever God wanted us to go.
(7 Feb 2008)
Green bushes, tall trees, a river flowing nearby, peaceful atmosphere, showers by candlelight, loving and caring people and a loud group of young people…that’s Masaiti Farming Institute at this moment!
We arrived at Masaiti Farming Institute, Zambia, on the 24th of January 2008. Immediately I fell in love with the natural beauty (the greenest trees I’ve ever seen!), the wonderful people and God’s powerful presence and love.