Participant Blogs
South African soil is our home for not much longer... It's crazy to imagine what we' ve been through these 7 weeks of training! God has been so amazingly faithful! It's with an amazing joyful spirit that we charge into the nations!
February has really been a teaching filled month. After our time in the Transkei, we appreciated the little things so much more, a carpet, flushing toilets and butter with your bread! If one thing, this challenges you on simplicity living – this is a lifestyle I want to adapt in every area of my life. Global Challenge is not just a gap-year.
As of yesterday morning, blue team started yet another adventure. At breakfast, the greater southbound team was surprised with a challenge to get from Mousoorie to New Delhi. The tasks: near to impossible, The Purpose of getting back to Delhi: achievable only with God’s help (seeing as we were given $0 for the challenge). Regardless, we set out. We set out with Strength and with Honor and with Delhi in our future.