Participant Blogs
I remember being prepped by previous Explore Africa members... They tell you about the adventure, strange foods and even the hardship but the one thing they don't tell you is that the biggest challenge of this year is living with 6 other people, 24/7! Six other people from very different backgrounds, cultures, ages. The really diabolical toilets, sleeping on the floor and mastering the art of bathing your whole body in a liter of cold water seems like child's play compared to getting along with team members. Maybe they tried to tell me but I just was not paying attention.
They don’t tell you about the fights over showers, food, the team computer and the last piece of toilet paper. It is really ridiculous how petty and primitive you can become on a journey like this. The best example of this would be the epic fight my fellow gypsy and I had a few weeks ago over shower time.